ZOA condemns Fatah’s continued support for violence against Israel

NEW YORK (Press Release)– Fatah Central Committee member and former PA foreign minister Nabil Shaath, is one of a number of senior PA figures who in recent days have frankly endorsed the “right” of Palestinians to use terrorism against Israel. In the PA-controlled mouthpiece, Al Hayat al-Jadida, Shaath falsely said, “Nineteen years of negotiations and armed struggle have not succeeded in bringing about the liberation of a single inch of the land of Palestine. We are aware that at the present time it is impossible to return to the armed struggle, despite its being the right of Palestinians” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 17, 2011, translations in ‘PA TV song: “We treat the rifle as a brother,”’ Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, January 18, 2011). The ZOA has reiterated its concern at the silence on these matters from the U.S. government, Israel and many Jewish organizations.

Additionally, Tawfiq Tirawi, another member of the Fatah Central Committee said “Our people will not lay down the rifle until our land is liberated” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 5, 2011). The governor of Jenin, Qadura Musa, was quoted as saying that, “Palestine is our land, and the rifle will always be independent” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 11, 2011) while Qssam Azmouti, a Fatah member and the university head of Student Council, said “Fatah has not laid down the rifle” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, January 11, 2011, all translations in ‘PA TV song: “We treat the rifle as a brother,”’ Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, January 18, 2011).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The statements of the PA’s Nabil Shaath and other PA figures again expose the fact that the Palestinian movement to eliminate Israel is one that regards terrorism, not as an abomination or crime or obscenity, but as a legal right that may be exercised whenever it serves their interest.

“Mahmoud Abbas and the PA have a long and shocking record of glorification of terror and terrorists which demonstrates, as little else can, why he and his Fatah-controlled PA are neither moderate nor peace partners. It should come as no surprise that this glorification of terror and terrorism continues when Abbas’ Fatah calls to this day in its Constitution for the destruction of Israel (Article 12) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the campaign to achieve that goal (Article 19). 

“The record shows that within the PA, few opportunities are missed to glorify a terrorist, celebrate a suicide bomber, or inculcate Palestinian youth into worshipping cold-blooded murderers. The record also shows that all aspects of PA life — the schools, youth movements, sports teams, newspapers, TV, even the names of streets — are made vehicles for honoring and praising terrorism. This in turn breeds more terrorists and bloodshed. 

“”Given this shocking record, we renew our long-standing call upon the Obama Administration to desist from ignoring the incitement to hatred and murder within the PA and to insist in talks with Abbas and other PA officials that the PA takes immediate action to comprehensively end this hate propaganda. Only when Palestinians reject the idea that it is a religious and national duty to murder Jews will there be any prospect of peace.”

Preceding provided by Zionist Organization of America