Italy, Greece succumb to Euro; Israel remains independent

By Lloyd Levy

Lloyd Levy

LONDON –It is a fascinating irony that Israel flourishes while Greece and Italy are self destructing. The reason for the irony, is that the founders of Zionism based their world view on the struggle for Independence of these European states.

The Italian struggle for independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a particular source of inspiration. The Italians gained Independence in 1861, following the Greek independence from Turkey in 1832.  One particular Jewish writer influenced by these events was Moses Hess. He was writing a generation before Herzl, and his insights are remarkably still valid to this day. Hess’s famous book was called Rome and Jerusalem, published in 1862..  He argued that if the ancient Italian Nation can be brought back to life, based on a revived ancient religious centre of Rome, so also a Jewish national state  based on  the ancient centre of Jerusalem is just as valid. Later generations of Zionists also looked to Italy as examples, such as Jabotinsky.  Ben Gurion was interested in the Irish struggle for independence against the British.
How ironic that the “elites” in these countries  have surrendered their hard won independence in recent years, by submitting to effective economic dominance by Berlin. In 150 years the  situation has come full circle. It seems that the Greeks and Italians  , the Spanish and Irish, and many others, appear to prefer to worship the golden calf  (the Euro), at the expense of their own democracy and independence.
Yet nationalism and independence are as strong in Israel as ever, if not more so. That is the main reason the European “elite” hate Israel so much-  these elites are trying to destroy the independence of European countries in the pursuit of a united Europe. They cannot  bear to see the Jews making a success of their state.
Meanwhile, in Europe we all watch mesmerised , like a rabbit caught in the lights of a car , as financial Armageddon appears to hurtle towards us.  In the UK, we narrowly escaped joining the Euro, and despite our leaders trying to frighten us regarding the consequences if the Euro collapses, many here will not be disappointed if the whole edifice collapses.
However one feels sorry for the Greeks and Italians and Irish etc, who spilt so much blood in gaining their independence, now being led back into foreign control by their elites, who have betrayed the example that so fascinated the early Zionists.
Levy is a freelance writer who divides his time between London and Eilat, Israel.  He may be contacted at

2 thoughts on “Italy, Greece succumb to Euro; Israel remains independent”

  1. Sounds like a neat argument. However, like all arguments that are inspired more by ideology than logic or facts, it falls flat. Even in generalities, it is historically inaccurate. Antisemitism (what writer calls ‘elites hate’) was strong and existed even before the European Union or when European began talking about a ‘union.’ — if anything, it was stronger in previous decades and centuries in the countries the writer is referring and elsewhere.

    Your explanation or correlation is too simplistic and, in fact, does not follow.

    Better luck next time.

    1. Charles,
      On May 6th in Paris more than 5.000 French Jews attended an aliyah far in preparation for moving to Israel. Do you doubt that anti-Semitism and the looming financial crisis had anything to do with this? The article is great especially for those little rabbits staring into the headlights. Who needs to prove anything when the Tsunami is approaching?

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