Humoring the headlines: December 23, 2014

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron
Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO─ North Korea has accused the government of the United States of involvement in the making of The Interview because Hollywood would never voluntarily make a tasteless comedy with Seth Rogen and James Franco.  Moreover, North Korea denied it had anything to do with the hacking of SONY Pictures and threatened to do it again if The Interview is released.


A baggage handler packed 100 guns in his carryon bag and snuck them past the TSA onto a Delta airliner.   When asked how he managed this, he replied it was easy because it fit in the overhead bin.


What do you call an ISIS soldier who kills infidels and doesn’t take credit for it?  A modest Jihadist.


SONY Pictures will release The Interview on Christmas at a limited number of theatres.  Meanwhile, Homeland Security announced it has created a new division: the CSA, Cinema Security Agency, that will require metal detector and popcorn box cutter checks of audiences.


Santa’s flight plan for tomorrow night was released.  To assure his safety, he will not fly over Iraq, North Korea, Syria, and Ukraine.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University.  He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.