Some spiritual advice for Super Bowl

By Rabbi Rafi Andrusier

rafi andrusier
Rabbi Rafi Andrusier

LA MESA, California — The big Super Bowl game day is coming up and everyone has a favorite team to root for. So here is the question one may suggest: I’ve been praying all season long, and my team didn’t even get close to the playoffs. So how can I have faith in G-d? He is not listening to me! Does G-d really exist?

The truth of the matter is, it’s not a logical reaction to lose faith because your team is losing. Rather than switch beliefs, it would make more sense to switch teams.

After all, surely fans on both sides of any game are praying for their team to win. Only one of those prayers can be answered affirmatively. If yours is losing, it doesn’t mean G-d isn’t there, just maybe He is on the other side. So if G-d is with them, shouldn’t you be too?

This argument will of course have absolutely no effect on you, or any sports fan for that matter. I can’t imagine a real sports fan exchanging loyalties just because his team keeps losing. Well, that’s what having faith means. No matter what happens, we only have one G-d, and we stick with Him. In fact, the very word for faith in Hebrew is Emunah, which actually means loyalty. Just like a fan never switches sides no matter what, a believer is loyal to G-d come what may.

Let’s keep our faith intact and pray for the right outcome – whichever team that might be. Just don’t tamper with the footballs.

Rabbi Andrusier is spiritual leader of Chabad of East County.  Your comment may be posted in the space provided below or sent to