‘Cancer Mirror’ a testament to strength and spirit

By Sheryl Rowling

Sheryl Rowling
Sheryl Rowling

film festival logo 2015LA JOLLA, California–As part of the Joyce Forum’s short films at the San Diego Jewish Film Festival, The Cancer Mirror showcased a local filmmaker’s personal tale of losing her mother to cancer. When community leader Jan Tuttleman was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, her daughters had to face the real possibility of losing their mother.  Daughter Sophie, then a film student, decided to document the process. The Cancer Mirror lovingly filmed Jan’s bravery and sense of humor in this short, but impactful, documentary.

The movie was not about cancer, nor was it about sadness and resignation. It showcased the strength of spirit of not only Jan, but of her kids and husband – who took on the role of interviewer. With this film, Sophie has provided a glimpse into her supportive family, the impact of cancer beyond the patient herself, and the true inner strength and beauty of Jan Tuttleman (May her memory be for a blessing).

Rowling is a freelance writer whose interests range from personal finance to arts and culture.  Your comment may be posted in the space below or sent to sheryl.rowling@sdjewishworld.com