From the Jewish library: Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean

By Sheila Orysiek

Sheila Orysiek
Sheila Orysiek

SAN DIEGO–We do not generally think of ourselves as being historically connected to such activities as a band of rough ‘n ready swashbuckling pirates.  But given the opportunity and a burning need for revenge, Jewish pirates swashed buckles with the best of ’em.  As the Sephardim fled Spain after the Edict of Expulsion in 1492, they went in three directions: north to Holland, east to Ottoman Turkey and Salonika and west as secret/crypto Jews to the Spanish and Portuguese possessions of the New World.

Most settled down to re-build their lives.  Others returned as corsairs – pirates – sailing for the Ottoman Sultan, taking control of the eastern Mediterranean and severely threatening the western Mediterranean.  They also sailed as privateers, operating under Letters of Marque (licensed pirates) for Holland gleefully preying upon the treasure ships hauling the wealth of the Americas to Spain.

Many of those who settled down to commerce and plantations in the Americas funneled information to England which enabled the Royal Navy to intercept Spain’s treasure ships.  Eventually it turned the tide and England, France and Holland took over important islands, such as Jamaica, and had a lively piracy trade operating in the Caribbean.

In Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean,  (Anchor Books/Random House, 2009), Edward Kritzler tells of a rabbi in Holland who took time off from his rabbinic duties to captain the Sultan’s ships and into his 60’s used his pirate skills to take revenge upon Spain.  He was only one of many.   However, they wanted not only to inflict damage upon Spain, but to found colonies where Jews could come and live openly in freedom and safety as Jews.

Read and enjoy a tale of these Jewish pirates as, for once,  the pirates are the good guys.

Orysiek is a freelance writer who specializes in arts and literature.  You may comment to her at or post your comment on this website provided that the rules below are observed.

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