BDS: A pogrom in sheep’s clothing

By Stanley Tiger

Stanley Tiger
Stanley Tiger

SAN DIEGO– The BDS  (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel) continues to gain support among bewildered college students, naïve church groups and anyone who really chooses to learn nothing from history. It is a new variation of the old Czarist technique of wreaking havoc against the Jews. In this incarnation, it is first directed towards Israel – eventually and ultimately, to Jews everywhere. Even the Jews who support this movement. (Think Europe.)

One of the first questions we hear bandied about relative to this debate is, “Does Israel have a right to exist?” This is a silly question, a non sequitur. Israel exists. It is like asking does the sky have the right to be blue?

The real question should be, “Does anyone have the right to destroy Israel?” (No.)

It is fascinating to learn about the history of the founding of Israel. By 1947, the region was in a state of turmoil, having been under the rule of the British who became convinced that it was more of a problem for their nation than it was worth. The history of the region around this time is a convoluted mess of promises, broken promises, back door deals, negotiations and refusals to negotiate. Eventually, with the abandonment of the British from the region, the Jewish governing bodies declared the State of Israel and received the baton of rule from the financially exhausted post World War II Brits. Israel quickly became recognized by the United States, the Soviet Union and other nations. It was granted a seat with full rights and recognition as a nation at the U.N. General Assembly in 1948.

Literally, the very next day, the surrounding Arab nations attacked Israel, forcing the fledgling nation to spill its blood. Against all odds Israel defeated the combined attacking armies.

Similarly associated with the formation of Israel – even before her formation – is the intransigent policy of her Muslim neighbors. The policy consists of no recognition, no negotiation and no peace, advocating instead for the destruction of the Jewish state by any means possible. From day one of Israel’s existence, the surrounding nations have chosen the one state solution – a permanent state of war.

The BDS is an extension of this attitude and purpose. It is the most recent variation on the theme of the pogrom. Czarist Russia was governed by a corrupt, inept regime in which there was great dissatisfaction. The Czarist controlled propaganda media, the traditional press, blamed the “Jews, intellectuals and Free Masons” for their problems. With the most obvious target being the Jews, the rulers engaged in the technique of having the population let off steam by beating, smashing and burning Jewish businesses and homes. If the occasional Jew was killed – oh well – all in a pogrom’s day’s work.

Until the 1920’s, Germany was a relatively good place for the Jews. But, with the rise of virulent anti-Jewish propaganda from the people who gave you that most famous of pogroms, Kristallnacht, the violence started to escalate. Albert Einstein, as one of many extraordinary Jewish Germans, was forced to flee from what he called the “diseases and psychotic disturbances” of the mobs.

Another example of the anti-Jewish fixations occurred in yet another of the various sequels to the eternal wars against Israel. Once again, in 1967 the nations surrounding Israel gathered their armies on her borders to finally obliterate the Jewish state. Despite all the accompanying bluster of the heavily armed would-be Israel smashers, they lost the war in 6 days. Israel’s very eloquent ambassador to the U.N., Abba Eban summarized the situation as follows: “I think that this is the first war in history that on the morrow the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.” If it was not so tragic, the line might be grist for a sitcom.

Some may argue that BDS is neither a war nor a violent movement.

But, they are inciting harm to the Jewish state through false narratives of history, organizing mobs of students on campuses to protest, shout down and block the free speech of those whose opinions differ from their own. With such tactics, they intentionally create an environment compatible to the instigation of violence. The supporters of BDS have aligned themselves with the same people who advocate never-ending war-to-the-death with Israel. BDS is a pogrom in sheep’s clothing, a propaganda wing of the haters of Israel and the Jewish people. These supporters are cut from the same cloth as those who gave support to the enlightened mobs (not), the Kristallnacht rabble. Today’s haters of Israel and the Jews proudly advocate both old as well as newer forms of unrestrained barbarism. it is purely an expression of misguided intelligence and squandered creativity (for example, the high art of airplane hi-jacking, hand crafted designer shoe bombs and acts of horrible cruelty proudly posted on YouTube).

Another of the prominent individuals who was also forced to flee the anti-Jewish German regime was the influential 20th Century composer, Arnold Schoenberg (1874 –1951, who, by the way, used to play tennis in Los Angeles with Einstein). The more widely known Russian born composer, Igor Stravinsky, declared, “Schoenberg is one of the greatest creative spirits of our era.” Austrian born Schoenberg was confronted head-on with the question of Jew-hatred and its consequences. Renowned as the creator of twelve-tone composition, he stated quite simply. “What is anti-Semitism to lead to if not acts of violence? Is it so difficult to imagine that?”

Another of the tactics of the BDS promoters is to deny that being anti-Israel has anything to do with the hatred of Jews – after all, students are taught that hating anything is wrong. Naïve (at best) church clerics also teach that hatred is wrong. But, for those who do buy the BDS hype, they cannot see the connection. As the well-known phrase goes – the first casualty of war is truth. False narratives of history and all manner of deception have been  invaluable tools in duping those who truly wish to be duped.

Many of the erudite academics pushing BDS on campus are familiar with the important philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677, aka Benedict De Spinoza in its non-kosher version). Besides being Einstein’s most beloved philosopher, he is considered to be among the founding thinkers of the important historic liberal movement known as “The Enlightenment.” A native son of the Jewish community of Amsterdam, he passionately advocated for “freedom of speech” and “freedom of belief”.

Knowingly or not, BDS exponents are married to this until-death-do-us-part war of intolerance. Along with it, they must accept responsibility for capitulation with the most anti-enlightenment and bellicose forces on the planet today. If there is a bumper sticker that best summarizes their attitude, it would be “War is the answer.” Because that is what‘s driving and what’s behind this movement.

Stanley Tiger is president of Jewish Universe Media, an educational 501(c)(3). He is currently writing a book on the interaction of Judaism and modern science.


1 thought on “BDS: A pogrom in sheep’s clothing”

  1. Roberta Greene

    Wow! Stan, This is a well thought out and very well written article.. Brilliant !
    Thank you for sharing. How about sharing it with a wider sudience? Like in our Union – Tribune and or The New York Times?
    –Roberta Greene, San Diego

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