Sotomayor’s dissent and white privilege

In what’s being touted as a turning point in the way the Supreme Court considers the factor of race in the criminal justice system, Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Monday delivered a scathing dissent in Utah vs. Strieff, a 4th Amendment case about police searches. The court ruled in a 5-3 decision that it was legal for…

1 thought on “Sotomayor’s dissent and white privilege”

  1. Jerome C Liner

    Sotomayor made a racial issue out of a case that in no way involved race. Martin Luther King set the standard when he called for a color blind society. We were headed that way until Obama and his associates realized that manipulating racial politics was an effective way to win elections, even at the cost of creating divisiveness in our society. The country will be much more stable if we return to the path MLK foresaw, and drop the rhetoric on race.
    –Jerome C Liner, Cincinnati, Ohio

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