The Mighty Hillary Strikes Out

(With apologies to Ernest Lawrence Thayer)

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron
Laurie Baron

The outlook was optimistic for Clinton-Kane just yesterday.
The polls showed leads of three points, but narrowing each day.
When Comey concluded that she was not to blame.
The voters who despised her had nothing to defame.

The Donald was campaigning, appealing to white males.
Spouting his racist rants, believing he could not fail.
He thought if only Comey would have entered an indictment.
It would validate his claims and all of his incitement.

But he enflamed White rage against everything that’s global,
Against free trade and immigrants and diversity so noble.
That’s why they had lost their jobs to Mexico and China
Closing down factories from Michigan to North Carolina.

Then from fifty-nine million votes, there rose a lusty yell;
Hillary’s the devil and she can go to hell.
She called him a sexist and a racist so divisive.
In a saner time those arguments would have been decisive.

He slandered all his foes, becoming a vicious labeler
Lying Ted, Crooked Hillary, Bill’s sexual enabler.
She exposed how he treated women just like they’re all hussies
Unwanted kisses, wandering hands, groping for their p—ssies.
And in the end she won more votes than he had received
But those higher numbers were figures that deceived.
Though she possessed more skills and far greater knowledge,
She didn’t have the votes to win the electoral college.

Oh, somewhere far in Moscow, Mr. Putin cracks a smile.
The alt-right folks and Brexit blokes are gloating all the while
Over the triumph of an egotist, a crude and orange-haired lout.
But there is no joy in the USA-mighty Hilly has struck out.

Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via   San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.