Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, September 11, 1958, Part 5

Across the City Desk
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 13

By Herb Brin

In recent weeks we’ve been pretty lucky. We’ve been able to develop an array of articles (exclusively, of course) on a number of subjects—and in each case national publications picked them up.  First, the Solomon Goldstein – Frank Britton series that titillated national Jewish news media.

Then our comprehensive treatment of the Jewish position with regard to the so – called “Right to work” law touched off tremendous interest with numerous requests for additional copies. That issue is in the nature of a collector’s item, and we may be called upon to reprint many thousands more copies.

Our current series on the controversy raging over the Israeli Rabbinate, based upon charges by Rabbi Max Nussbaum in Heritage Jewish Press, has already captured national attention while not a single other Jewish newspaper in the West carried a line on the story.

These stories, calling for concentration of effort in the matter of inquiry, came at a time that we assumed publication of the second oldest Jewish newspaper in the state.  Also, they paralleled the days we were laboring hard on two very special Holy Day editions— for, in case you are not aware, we are now publishing two entirely distinct newspapers: one for readers in Greater Los Angeles area and one for Jewish families in San Diego County. And we insist upon bringing to each publication our own special standard of personal journalism —for we must clasp the hand of each reader in friendship every week, or we fail our trust.

It is a pleasant moment, therefore, under stress of publication, to note that we are the subject of an editorial this week in the National Jewish Post. This is the editorial:  ‘‘Long ago we stopped worrying about what the bigots and haters might read and then reprint from The POST and OPINION. We knew that enough of these un-Americans were subscribing to our paper, because they reprinted liberally from it.

“Herb Brin, enterprising publisher of Heritage in Los Angeles, checked his mailing list to discover that Frank Britton, publisher of one of the hate sheets called, ‘The American Nationalist’ was paying for a subscription under the assumed name of Solomon Goldstein.

“Brin asked The POST and OPINION to check its subscribers and sure enough a Solomon Goldstein at the same address in Hawthorne, Cal., is a paid subscriber to our paper.

“Brin has been having a lot ‘ of fun with Goldstein-Britton, and feels that his alert reporting made this particular hater a laughing stock among those he terms Gerald L. K. Smithniks.

“These guys have been given a shot in the arm by the integration fight, but their day is over. When they flopped and America ignored them to all intents and purposes while the world was being flooded with Hitler anti-Semitism, they knew that their cause was lost.

“Now even the Jewish community is ignoring them. What a comedown and what a fate for the anti-Semites!”  There is another editorial in the same issue of the Post, one paying tribute to Editor Samuel Schmidt, for year’s publisher of “Every Friday”—weekly Jewish newspaper in Cincinnati—on the occasion of a community testimonial to the editor and his wife on their 46th wedding anniversary.  We join in the tribute.

Social and Personal
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 14

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garber received good news from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, where their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Snyder, presented them with another great grandchild. It’s the eighth for the Garber’s. Mazel Tov!
Mr. and Mrs. David Garfield entertained guests in their lovely La Jolla home last weekend. Since we are in the midst of Fiesta, naturally it was a Fiesta party.
Richard Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. David Miller, is leaving for Harvard to enter as a freshman. He placed second in the Convair Astronautics Advanced Mathematics Competition, and received an honorary scholarship. Dick will be majoring in mathematics and science. Good luck!
Goldberg has just returned from a two-week tour of the Midwest and Canada. While in Montreal, he represented the local Zeta Beta Tau Chapter at the international convention. He will resume his studies as a student at San Diego State College.
It’s back to school and study for Janet and Susan Solof, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. Solof, at UCLA.
Judy Karp, young 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Karp has done it again. She recently won the City Golf Championship. The Pan American contest at Tijuana and the Lakeside championship. Judy was unable to participate in the Mission Valley Invitational because of illness, but if she had, we are sure that it would have been a walk away.
Lori Ann Selten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Selten, celebrated her 9th birthday recently with a Mad Hatter’s party. Each guest attended wearing an original crazy hat! Congratulations. Lori.  Mrs. Victor Selten has accepted the position of Women’s Chairman for Rep. Clair Engle’s campaign for U. S. Senator. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Mrs. Selten at Juniper 2-8101.

Filmland Recipes, The Facts, Ma’am
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 15

By Jack Webb for Vacationing Terry Elman

Actors like to read the columns. I’ve often read this one. Sometimes I winced, because the truth hit home about this business we’re in.  One such recent truth was: TV is in trouble. And the trouble with TV is that the magic lamp hasn’t heated up like we think it should. Not yet.

There is an air of unrest in TV-land as you know. Which is understandable. It’s tough waiting for the sun to rise. But do you know another way?  This is no apology for those formless, almost blank hours before the main event. Yet, and at the risk of being pedestrian, it must be said that this half-dawn we are in is a routine phase of growth that all living forms must endure.  I think the industry is becoming awake to this.

As for the public, it must have found out what’s the matter with TV long ago, if only from the clamor set up by most of the nation’s newspaper critics for a good long while.  But as you remember, there are cycles: those brutal pangs of change as the medium went through its crucible of growth. Not only radio, but motion pictures, too, the public waited for the sun to rise on them.

There was Birth of a Nation and then a flood of westerns. There was Perils of Pauline and then an avalanche of serials!’ Then came talkies, Jolson and the whole route of musicals, from waterfall to waterfall.  The history of it all seems to be unfolding once more in TV. They don’t call them “cycles” any more. Now they’re “formulas.’ The westerns, the situation comedies, the detective stories. Whatever the traffic will bear and, more importantly, whatever will open the door to the permanency of maturity.

Through if all, the ramrod of experience is busting a lot of hearts in Hollywood. But maybe it is making a lot of heroes who will be around a long time.  In the dark, you can’t tell. You’ve got to wait till the sun comes up.

From-Terry: You know that Jack recently wed Miss United States, Jackie Loughery. He likes a big breakfast, will barbeque for his friends when they come to call.  – Here is a recipe from the Jack Webbs: Anchovy Salad 1 cup olive oil, 1 large can anchovies, 1/3 clip wine vinegar, ; M cup sugar, pepper, 2 hard- cooked eggs, ‘ 2 diced pickled beets, capers, 1 – chopped green pepper, 1 chopped onion.  Beat oil, vinegar, salt and pepper together. Pour dressing over anchovies and let stand 30 minutes to absorb dressing. Lay anchovies on platter and pour remaining dressing over them. Garnish with ’.eggs, lettuce and water cress, beets, capers, onions and peppers.

By Candlelight
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 15

By candlelight at Tifereth Israel Synagogue was the wedding of Miss Sherrill Rae Newman and Robert Caplan. Rabbi Monroe Levens officiated.  Miss Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Newman of 1810 Polk St. wore a full-skirted white gown of repousse lace over white taffeta.  Her finger tip veil was held by a wreath of fresh flowers. She carried a prayer book tipped with a bouquet of lily of the valley and stephanotis.

The bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Caplan of Portland, Or.  Bridal attendants wore cherry velveteen. Mrs. Albert B. Klug was matron of honor for her cousin. Bridesmaids included Misses Janet Kleinman, Diane Custer, Gail Kahn, and Joyce Singer.  Bernard Caplan was best man for her brother, while Barry Caplan, Daniel Gold, Donald Pearlman and Lloyd Eckhardt ushered.

Miss Newman is a senior at Stanford. Mr. Caplan is a graduate of Stanford, when he was in Kappa Sigma fraternity. He is attending Stanford Law School as a member of Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity.


Beauty Queen on Home Campus

Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 15

Miriam Hadar, Miss Israel for 1958, selected to compete in the international Miss Universe beauty contest, stops to chat with fellow students on the campus at Hebrew University where she is enrolled in the Law School. – The 21 year-old beauty appeared on several U.S. television shows during her recent visit here.

‘Carmen Jones’ in Drama, Song
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 17

By Herb Brin

Sultry rhythms of enchantment transform Bizet’s “Carmen” of bull ring into a tremendous production of “Carmen Jones” currently being presented by a huge cast at the Star-Light in Balboa Bowl.

All are there, the songs that carried intrigue and romance across a world-acclaimed opera comes through with new sparkle as an All-Negro cast takes Carmen out of the bull ring into a maelstrom of prize fighters.

And the final spectacle is breathtaking to watch as two huge men square away in a powerful backdrop to drama— with Archie ‘ Moore,’ world’s light-heavyweight champion refereeing the bout.

Jack Allen portrays an incisive Joe, whose love for Carmen Jones (Dolores Piper) is a dynamic but tragic affair.

For those who attended opening night, it was a delight to watch. Carol Bullock step into the role of Cindy Lou when Everidinne Wilson was unable to take part in the play.

Carol’s performance was beautiful in her plaintive, restrained love for Joe—a love that cannot be. She is a student, we are informed, at Arkansas University—an integrated school in a state containing a Little Rock – and a Faubus.

The William L. Dean production, in totality, is the most ambitious of its kind to be’ staged in Balboa Bowl. The stage is vibrant with song and lights and the very spectrum in costume.

“Carmen Jones” is fitting climax to a season of unusual theater fare by Star-Light.


 Who Said Yontiffs aren’t Big Business?
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 11, 1958, Page 17
By Ray Kovitz

Like everything else in a community, even High Holy Day services are getting bigger every day. Maybe this is a good thing, means that more Jews are now advertised like May Co.  At any rate, High Holiday services are now advertised like May Co. sales.

It used to be that a morning and evening service would suffice to take care of the congregation. But with the Temples seemingly vying with one another for attendance, one service, one rabbi, one cantor and choir will not do.  Now we have, at the more fashionable places of worship, two evening services for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur—with reserved seats yet. And, if that doesn’t take care of everybody, overflow services are held at the nearby movie house with the assistant rabbi in charge and, one presumes, the second- string choir. .

If we continue to carry the holidays to extremes, we can expect in a few years that some enterprising congregation will rent the Coliseum for the High Holy Days and run a two-page spread in HERITAGE that reads something like this:  “Attend Gala Services in the Los Angeles Coliseum.“Four Rabbis, five cantors, and choir of 1000. Musical accompaniment by Philharmonic Orchestra. “Order reserved seats on the 50- yard line now!“Refreshments available.“Free parking*

Of course, all this is merely reduction ad absurdum, but this is to let everyone know that we are aware of the trend toward— what shall we call it?—religious commercialism, or commercialized religion.

And another thing that bothers me about the High Holy Days: If we are God’s chosen people, why does He always pick I the hottest time of the year for our most solemn occasion? The goyim have their big holiday in December when it’s a pleasure to get out of the cold and into a nice warm house of worship—and it’s even comfortable to dress in heavy clothing.But we invariably pick a day when one can literally burn up. And if anybody can tell me what’s hotter than the inside of a crowded, un-air-conditioned Shule when they close the doors, I’d like to know what it is.  Maybe’ the good Lord feels that as His own special people » we’re able to take it a little: more (or He’s giving us a little more to repent.)  L’Shonah Tovah!

Transcribed by Sam Chessler and and Nick Laqua.