Trump’s Side Story

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

(Melody: “America” from West Side Story)

Puerto Rico,
You ravaged island ,
Island of Cat 4 destruction.
Bad place to build my casinos.
Since most people there are Latinos.
Puerto Rico,
You crippled island.
Island without any power.
Always the hurricanes blowing,
Always the devastation growing.
And the debts you’re owing,
And the fake news blaming.
And the Donald shaming.
I like the island Manhattan.
Which Sandy failed to flatten.
FEMA sends aid to America.
Texas and Florida, America!
You’re much too far from America.
You’re not a state of America.
What kind of city is San Juan?
Just a colonial bygone.
Power grid’s simply outdated.
That’s why the help’s so belated.

Supplies remain stored on the docks.
Truckers don’t come due to roadblocks.
Condemning the kneeling here stateside.
My Twitter attempt to misguide.

I’d rather be pitching my tax plan
Than bringing relief to your island.                                                                                                                                      *
FEMA sends aid to America.
Texas and Florida, America!
You’re much too far from America.
You’re not a state of America.


*                                                                                                                      *

Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.