Humoring the headlines: November 24, 2017

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO−Ads for New Cyber Monday Websites:

*  Shopping around for derogatory epithets, memes, and slurs about your ethnic, racial, or religious inferiors.   Look no further than  For the price of an annual subscription, you’ll always have the perfect caricature, stereotype, and term to demean your enemies.  Our slogan is-How tweet it is to be loathed by you.  Only fine people need apply.

* An online chatroom and support group for male bosses, entertainers, politicians, and other public figures to learn about the most effective techniques for sexually assaulting women and suppressing subsequent accusations of such harassment.  With GropeOn, you’ll never have to say, “I’m sorry.”

* : Features petitions to save monuments to honor the service of Confederate generals and leaders and preserve the legacy of discrimination and slavery that is part of America’s cultural heritage.  How can we move this country backwards if we don’t know where we’ve been?

*  Find out who are the latest advisors and officials from the Trump administration to have resigned or been fired after a scandal or running afoul of the Donald.  Robert Mueller subscribes to this website to identify potential witnesses.

*  A website for large corporations and billionaires to calculate how much they will save under the current GOP tax reform bill.  The rich will get richer and the poor will be trickled on.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.