Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~December 25, 1953

Compiled from the Southwestern Jewish Press by Gail Umeham

U.J. Fund Winds Up Year’s Activity; Honors Founders
Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 1

Helen Schulman was announced as the “volunteer of the year” by the United Jewish Fund at the 20th Anniversary  celebration held in the San Diego Hotel.

Mrs. Schulman, mother of two children, won recognition for her services as an office volunteer during 1953 in the office of the Fund according to Albert A. Hutler, executive director.

Over two hundred members  of the Fund gave thunderous approval to Ida Nasatir’s presentation and narration of “A Cavalcade of Twenty Years of Dedicated Service.  Slide pictures presented a history of the past 20 years of the United Jewish Fund, its work, and its workers.  Mrs. Nasatir was assisted by Cantor Julian Miller and Mrs. Marguerite Noble.

Others participating in the program were Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, who gave the invocation; Rabbi Baruch Stern who gave the benediction; and Cantor Joseph Cysner, soloist.

Murray D. Goodrich, president of the fund, thanked all of the workers for their contribution toward the Fund’s success in 1953 and said, “It has been an honor and a great privilege for us to have taken part in the activities during these two historic decades in the life of the United Jewish Fund in San Diego and on a national basis.  The date with destiny has been kept.  An old and proud nation has been reborn on the sacred soil of its ancestors.  We saw this miracle happen as we shall also see it become a democratic outpost to be trusted and admired.”

In his annual report Mr. Hutler pointed out that the Fund, which in the past 20 years has raised close to $2,000,000 has given $1,400,000 to the United Jewish Appeal for aid to Jews throughout the world.  He also pointed out that the Fund had grown from an organization which raised $1,000 in 1933 to that which has raised $273,000 in 1948—the year of the war in Israel—and which has only fallen below $200,000 once since, has gone further than just raising money.”

During the awards portion of the meeting conducted by David Block, chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, Henry Weinberger, one of the Founders of the Fund, and chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board-USO of San Diego, presented an award to the United Jewish Fund for its contribution and aid in the organizations’ Armed Services program in San Diego.

Graydon Hoffman, vice-president of the Bank of America and Christian Committee chairman in the 1953 campaign, received a plaque from the Fund in appreciation of his efforts on behalf of humanity.  Irving Friedman, outstanding civic worker and secretary of the Christian Committee made the presentation.

Climax of the entire meeting was the presentation of scrolls to the founders of the United Jewish Fund, at the conclusion of the “Cavalcade” narrated by Mrs. Nasatir.  The citation read:  “On the 20th year of dedicated service by the United Jewish Fund, we pay tribute to the men and women of foresight who were the founders.” They include:  Nathan F. Baranov, Abe Dubin, Carl Esenoff, Dr. A. P. Nasatir, Mrs. Al Neumann, Nathan Schiller, Irvine Schulman, A. Louis Solof, Dr. R. M. Stone, Sol Stone, Henry Weinberger, Judge Jacob Weinberger, and the late Samuel I. Fox.

Mr. Goodrich, in a presentation by Ernest Michel, field director for Southern California of the United Jewish Appeal, was notified of his appointment as a member of the executive committee for the United Jewish Appeal for the State of California, and presented with an executive committee key.

Other awards made during the meeting by the United Jewish Appeal were:  Women’s Division, Mrs. Abraham Nasatir, chairman; Mrs. David Block, Mrs. Harry Wax, Mrs. Louis Moorsteen, and Mrs.Zel Camiel.  Leadership in business and professional division—Harry Wax, chairman; William Colt, Julius Schwitkis, Jerome Freedman, and Dr. Joshua Rittoff.  Leadership in county—Henry Price, chairman; Elmer Glaser, Oceanside; Sam Bennett, Bay Cities; Ben Carnot, La Jolla; Louis Kupperman, Arthur Cohen, Coronado; and Dr. Harry Ruja, La Mesa-El Cajon.  Special Gift Division—Albert Steinbaum, chairman; and Max Maisel.  Magic Carpet Day—Mack Esterson and Louis Mogy.  Christian Division work—Irving Friedman.

Award were also given to the Evening Tribune, the San Diego Union, Station KFMB-TV, Station KCBQ, and the Southwestern Jewish Press, for their cooperation in the Fund drive.

Federation Leaders Gather For West Coast Conference
Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 1

Over 100 Jewish community leaders from the Pacific Coast and the Southwest will gather in San Diego to discuss mutual community problems at the Western Regional Conference of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds according to M. D.Goodrich, General Chairman.

With headquarters at the U.S. Grant Hotel, the conference will meet from January 22 to January 24.  Eli H. Levenson, Regional President of the Council, has been advised by Howard H. Desky, Chairman of the Program Committee, that the assembly will open on Friday, January 22, with a workshop discussing  “ Jewish Family Services–Place and Program.”

On Saturday, January 23rd, there will be an Oneg Shabbat in which Immigration problems will be the topic and implications of recent Immigration legislation will be discussed.  The principal speaker will be Anne S. Petluck, who is the Assistant Director of the United Service for New Americans.

The business meeting and the concluding session will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and will be a summary of the work done at the assembly.  General Chairman for the conference is M.D. Goodrich with Mrs. Gabriel Berg as his co-chairman in charge of local arrangements.  Howard H. Desky of Oakland is Chairman of the Program committee; Robert M. Levenson of San Francisco, Chairman Nominating committee; Dr. George Piness, Chairman of the Resolutions committee, and Robert E. Simpson of San Francisco, Chairman of the Credentials Committee.

All members of the local community are welcome to attend all sessions and affairs of the Council, according to Mr. Levenson, President.

Lasker Lodge Holds Installation Jan. 9th
Southwestern Jewish Press December 25, 1953 Page 1

The installation of incoming officetrs of Lasker Lodge will be held Saturday, January 9, 1954, at El Cortez Don Room under the chairmanship of Milton Fredman.  There will be a dinner for those who desire to attend at 6:30 followed by the installation program at 8:00 p.m.  A dance will follow the short installation program.

The following are to be installed as officers for the coming year:  Pres. Ralph Feldman; 1st , 2nd, and 3rd V. Pres.  Milton Fredman, Jack Lowenbein, Marshall Zukor; Fin. Sec., Joe Kaplan; Warden, Dr. Milton Millman; Rec. Sec., Richard Berman; Guardian, Edmund Herman; Trustees, Jerry Aronoff, Al Hutler, Sam Bennett.

President Harry Wax has dedicated this evening to family night and requests that all members bring their wives and their friends to the meeting as the business portion will be short.  Chef Jerry Aronoff has promised to surpass his efforts in the refreshment department—refreshments for this meeting are being given by the outgoing president, harry Wax and incoming president, Ralph Feldman.  Following the program, cards will be available for those who desire.