Commentary: Germany successful in third effort to take over Europe

By Lloyd Levy

Lloyd Levy

LONDON– Europe is being convulsed by  the most remarkable and unwelcome events. The elected legitimate Prime Ministers of both Greece and Italy
have been forced to resign.  They have been forced out effectively by diktat from the Germans, with France hanging on to the German coat tails in an
attempt to retain some influence. It is almost beyond credibility that the citizens of Greece and Italy are willing to let these things pass.  Greece
has actually got European bureaucrats running the country, having taken over command of the Ministries.  Similarly with Italy, where it may be more
subtle, in that the European bureaucrats will be sent in under the guise of the IMF.  For Italy to be treated in this way, having been a fanatical
member of the European Union since its inception, is hard to believe. The elected Greek and Italian Governments have been brought down effectively by coup

Margaret Thatcher many years ago, warned that the Euro would lead to the Germans running our economy and our lives, and how correct she has turned out to
be. We daily thank our  lucky stars in the UK, that the common sense of our people over decades, prevented our Membership of the Euro, despite enormous
pressure from our elite.  Tony Blair would have taken us into the Euro if he could, but thankfully the much maligned Prime Minister Gordon Brown,
prevented this from happening, to his eternal credit.

The European people are losing their democracy to worship of the golden calf, which is called “Euro“. They are giving up their independence and freedom
in the vain hope that somehow the life of plenty can be extended. They have given in to Germany’s third attempt to conquer Europe in the last 100
years.  The first two attempts to do so led to World Wars, but now Germany dominates Europe without a shot being fired.  Can it be that so many
millions lost their lives in vain, to defeat German domination? Will Britain be the only Western Power to hold out, to see the rest of Europe destroying itself,
as was the case in the Second World War?.  It looks increasingly to be the likely scenario.

Levy is a freelance writer who divides his time between the United Kingdom and Israel. He may be contacted at