Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 7, 1958,m Part 1

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Body Odor In Our Culture: We Are Completely Homogenized
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

This is the age of the Deodorized American>

When we took a bath once a week (in the summer that is) there were no deodorants. But now when our bath tub-culture has reached such tremendous proportions, we buy millions of dollars worth of deodorants.

This is what we would call “Moishe Kapoyer,” (a fictional character of the ghetto, a sort of lovable idiot, who did everything backwards, our upside down.)

Actually the American bathtub culture is a comparatively recent development, no more than about a half century old.  In fact, the tradition of the New England Puritans and the Southern Calvinists was entirely against any undue concern for the physical body,.  No one mentioned “taking a bath” or anything of that sort.  The Hebraic culture which the New Englander and the Southerner followed so religiously, never discussed “bathing” except in terms of a religious ritual.  Now it has become the style for people to open a conversation (before the TV is turned on) with the statement: “I take two showers a day.”  Anything to achieve status.

The advertising boys had a product to sell and so they invented the disease which the product was advertised to cure.  This is not to say that “body-odor” does not exist. Of course it does, but it has little to do with deodorants.  It has everything to do with “diet” and “economic status,” which include occupation and living quarters, and it also involves the lack of reasonable sanitary precautions.

The most important is “economic status.”  If you live in a slum area, with no inside plumbing, and you work for the city collecting garbage, you will not smell like a lily—at any time.

Langston Hughes, the Negro philosopher, has made a valid point.  The Negro has been associated with “body-odor” especially in the South; yet all the TV advertisements show a young blonde girl spraying herself. Now they wouldn’t be spending all those millions of dollars for advertising for nothing.  Obviously the problem is most acute with young blonde girls.

But “body-odor” has a long history.  Mr. Lecky tell us (History of European Morals) that “body-odor” has been used throughout history as a sort of the identification of the “unpopular” within each society.

Man is a thinking animal. His brain is constantly at war between reason and the more titillating sensation ofrenunciation of reason.  Thus he must seek a “motive” or an “excuse” to justify his designation of the “unpopular” and “body-odor” has been one of the most valuable of such pretexts.

Unfortunately the “unpopular” in the early stages of their development within the society have usually given some degree of validity to the legend. An immigrant is on the elevated train on his way home after 12 hours of work in a seat-shop.  Next to him is a young teller in a ban; and that night the young bank teller goes to his club and tells about how all those, you know who, have a body-odor, and it starts a million joked, and I heard dozens of them myself as a boy and always to my chagrin and sorrow.

We have a similar condition in the South with this “body-odor” gimmick fastened on the Negro.  Here, too, the factor involved is “economic status.”  A Negro sits on a bus.  He’s on his way home.  What has he been doing all day?  He has been cleaning out cess pools.  And next to him is a Negro woman and where has she been for the past ten hours?  She has been in someone’s kitchen, peeling onions, washing dishes, unstopping a toilet, and changing diapers; and next to them are two girls who spent all day in an air-conditioned department store.  The two girls come home and say, ‘There’s one thing about them Negroes, they sure have a body-odor.”  This is what you call scientific research.

Interestingly enough this “body-odor” ideas existed in reverse in Africa.  In the early days of colonization, the Native Negroes could not stand the “body-odor” of the white man.  The natives lived on grains and the Englishman came along with his kidney pudding and the Negro could not stand the smell.  Not only diet, but clothing too, carried a terribly offensive smell and in some cases where the administrative “whites” worked closely with the natives, such as the building of a road in South Africa, it was necessary to provide the Negro with a bit of gauze with which to cover his nose.
–Harry Golden, The Carolina Israelite


Book Review: ‘Go Back and Tell’ a novel by Saul Raskin, Whittier Books, Inc., 196 pp., $3.50.
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

Saul Raskin, noted painter of Jewish subjects, has for many years steadfastly believed in the evolvement of a Jewish art.  Long before the establishment of Israel, he visited Palestine and was inspired by what he saw there.  As a result of his deep interest in the history of the Jewish people, he has been for the past seven years delving into the teachings of the Kabbalah—a mystical Jewish doctrine which has been handed down from the earliest times. The mysticism of the Kabbalah has been the theme of many of Raskin’s paintings and five years ago he published a book of drawings with accompanying text about the same subject. Feeling that his message in “Go Back and Tell” could not be adequately painted with a brush he chose descriptive story telling.

The leading character in the book, Leon Kastins, a noted painter and author, dies suddenly while participating as a member of a minion in a synagogue. From there on Raskin draws upon his imagination to describe Leon’s experiences with the living and his departed friends. His mission is to convince the living that death is not the end but a new type of existence.

Raskin, who long ago mastered the art of telling stories with pictures, displays in his novel the same sensitivity, wit, and imagination in dealing with the subject of Death—the greatest mystery facing the living.

The reader will find the book a rare combination – easy reading and thought provoking.   – J.K.

Letter To the Editor
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

In your “Letter to the Editor” by Bess Borushek, I must make a little correction in regard to that part referring to my move.

It was in 1908 that I had last seen Mr. Levin, so it was 50 years ago.  Five young boys left Milwaukee to homestead on a section of land in Nebraska.  I didn’t go with them because I owned a farm at that time in Wisconsin.  As a matter of fact, I still own a farm in the same town in Wisconsin and have for over 50 years.

Yours truly,
Max Leopold
4277 Winona Ave.

(Executive Talent)
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

The one thing most executives can do better than anybody is read their own writing.


A ‘Speaker’ For Lincoln’s Day
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

Gerald L. K. Smith, one of the most active professional anti-Semites and a vicious hate monger, was to bring his message of bigotry to the Republican Men’s Leagues (and of all day on Lincoln’s birthday).  This was announced by J. Russell Jones, League treasurer.  Let me quote Mr. John Ashton, president of the Men’s Republican League in telling why he resigned after the above announcement.

“I cannot agree or support many of Gerald L.K. Smith’s viewpoints.  And, therefore, I feel compelled to resign… I do not feel Smith represents the Republican Party as it presently is constituted.  I do not think that any Republican organization should be used as a sounding board for his views.  In fact, a spectacle of Smith speaking on a Lincoln Day program is difficult to imagine,.”

We congratulate Mr. Ashton on his stand and the action he took in order to show his protest.  We feel sorry for other Republicans in this city who we know do not follow people like J. Russell Jones and Bertrand Comparet The above two men have obviously gained control of the Republican League and are forcing their views on the rest of the party.  They both have long histories of connectjons with the “lunatic fringe” in this area. As a matter of fact, Mr. Comparet is Gerald L.K. Smith’s attorney in California.  (Smith is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court from a California decision denying his Christian Nationalist Party a place on the California ballot.)

Fulton Lewis, Jr., arch conservative, was queried in a recent TV interview as to why the Republican Party attracts the “fringe groups.”  Lewis, who personally denounced Gerald L.K. Smith, said the Party could not be responsible for this situation.

Not responsible?  Gerald L.K. Smith’s poison factory has been turning out hate literature for a great many years and we are quite sure that most Republicans are aware of how he stands in regards to Jews and other minority groups.  Speaking on the local level, the attraction seems to be a mutual one. Georgette McCormick, a leader of a San Diego Republican group, has for many years been an outspoken admirer of Smith, and occasionally has even helped him to disseminate his hate pamphlets.  In explaining the choice of Smith as a speaker for the Men’s Republican League, Vice President Colton said, “Smith was chosen because of his drawing power.”

Because of the furor created, Smith’s invitation to speak before the Republican group was rescinded. This does not alter the fact that a group of leading Republicans had the bad taste to invite a well known, professional hate peddler to speak at one of their programs.

If Gerald L.K. Smith feels “at home” in San Diego, it is because of invitations such as these and the local Republican Party must assume responsibility.


We Are The Statistics
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

Who is there who can specify the moment in time when the “point of no return” is reached for the lonely old woman – the troubled family – the emotionally disturbed child?

Who can specify the exact moment when all the help in the world – all the knowledge, skilled personnel – can no longer provide the help that will bring stability, security, health … can no longer knit together the broken pieces.

Yet—this we do know—this our long experience in treating the human ills and human sorrows of the community has taught us—there can come a moment when help can be too late.

Then—the aged person loses her grasp on hope and resigns herself to a life in a world that no longer wants her, needs her.

Then—the family which might have stayed together is shattered beyond any hope of picking up the threads of a life that was once warm and tender.

Then—the disturbed child is no longer just an unhappy kid but a mentally ill child needing long-term hospitalization.

We may not know the split second the “bomb” in each troubled human being will explode—but sooner or later – if help is not given in time – that explosion must occur.

And when it does—when the explosion occurs—whose life is damaged… whose hopes destroyed?

Is it only the children of the poor … only the indigent aged?

Is it only the underprivileged family?

Not they alone.

When we speak of people needing help – of family conflict, of illness, of loneliness – we speak of ourselves, our friends, members of our families.  We speak of those who are near and dear to us as surely as we speak of those whom we may not know, of the stranger we have never met.

Ours are problems common to all men.

We are 1 out of 4 families touched by the problems of divorce.

We are the 1 out of 10 who will be hospitalized for mental illness at some period during our lifetime.

…the 1 out of 4 who may develop cancer.
…the 1 out of every 3 persons over 65 who cannot care for himself.
… the 1 out of 10 who will suffer some form of heart disease.

Neither personal fortune, prestige, nor position can erect a barrier strong enough to shelter any individual from illness and heartache.  Whatever misfortunes touch anyone in our community, no matter what his faith, his race, his walk of life – somewhere in the family of institutions will be found the help, the hope, and care he needs.

It is for us – every man, woman and child in our city … every family from Oceanside to the Border that the United Fund fights for a better life, health, and hope to those who need it?  Please give just one dollar and raise a dollar from a friend.  Make your check payable to the United Fund of San Diego and send it now, please.

Panel To Discuss ‘Living Together’ At Temple Beth Israel February 10
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

Anti-Defamation League representatives of the four B’nai B’rith Chapters in the San Diego area have announced a joint meeting to be held Monday evening, February 10 at 8:30 at Temple Beth Israel.

Howard Harris, Henry Weinberger Lodge; Rita Harris, Bay City Chapter; Ed Masliah, Samuel I Fox Lodge; and Ruth Aronoff, Birdie Stodel Chapter, will present “Living Together in San Diego 1958.”

The program will consist of a panel of Community leaders who will discuss the various aspects of human relations and the need among all Americans to know and understand their neighbors regardless of race, creed or national origin.

The panelists will be R. Adm. Leslie Gehres, USN (Ret.), Manager of Personnel and Security at Ryan (business); John Quimby, Secretary of the Central Labor Council (organized lavbor); Dr. William Jack Stone, Principal of Samuel Gompers Junior High School (education); and Percy Steele Jr., Executive Director of the Urban League (community-at-l;arge).  Dr. Harry Ruja, educator at San Diego State College will act as moderator.

Admission will be free and all San Diegans are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the discussion.

Hebrew Home For The Aged Auxiliary
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

Mrs. Morris Feldman, president of the Hebrew Home for the Aged Auxiliary, takes this opportunity to thank all those who donated used merchandise and who worked for the successful rummage sale.

The Auxiliary also wishes to thank Mr. David Schreibman for the program of the January meeting.  Mrs. Schreibman, who accompanied herself, is a talented musician with an exceptionally beautiful voice.

The February meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26th, at noon, at the home on 4075 54th St.  A worthwhile movie will be shown and a delicious luncheon will be served. Please make reservatkions with Mr. Morris Fried, phone AC-2-8962.  Cars will be at 54th and University and 54th and El Cajon Blvd from 11:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. to pick up those who take buses.

Mr. Robert Marlin, a guest at the Hebrew Home, was surprised at a Sunday dinner in honor of his birthday by Cele Feldman, Rosalie Sonnabaum, Frances Tokman, Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Tannenbaum and Edward Newman.

The Women’s Auxil;iary extends an invitation to the community to attend a Rosh Chodesh Minyon on February 15 at 9 a.m. at the Hebrew Home.  The Auxiliary is also planning to transport guests of the Home on March 9 to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Sandy Hirsch at Tifereth Israel Synagogue.

Couples Club Set Feb. 15 ‘Sweetheart Night’
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

“Sweetheart Night” will be the next event, sponsored by the Tifereth Israel Couples Club on Saturday, February 15, 8:15 p.m., at the Center, of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 30th and Howard Streets.

Fashions and Fun will be the theme of the evening, featuring an exciting sneak preview showing of the latest spring creations.

“Watch Your Wits” will be played by the men versus the women, with prizes for the winner and loser. There will be incidental music by Ruth Schneider at the piano and Louis Sahfran singing.  Valentine decorations, and tempting refreshments will add to the evening’s enjoyment.  The donation will be 50 cents per non-member, which may be applied to the membership dues, if paid the same evening.

All young San Diego couples are invited, and couples with children in school, regardless of their other Jewish affiliations.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schneider are the directors of this unusual program. The men models will be Messrs. Louis Alkana, Dr. Harmon Easton, Lester Epstein, Robert Grossman, Leonard Jacobs, Abe Sandler.

For reservations, call Mr. H. Easton, Social Chairman – AC-3-6308.

Junior Charity League Luncheon
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

A home cooked turkey plate will be featured by the Junior Charity League at its annual luncheon on Thursday, February 13, at noon at Temple Beth Israel Center, Third and Laurel Streets.  Co-chairmen of the affair are Mmes. William Moss and Harry Epsten.

A special table will be set aside for business men who are assured of good food, special services and attentive young waitresses.

Decorations will feature a Valentine motif, according to the chairman of the Decorations Committee, Mrs. George Burnett.

She will be assisted by Mmes. Sylvan Baranov, Sol Brown, Robert Epsten, Lou Moorsteen, Burton Nestor and Sam Sosna.

Heads of other committees are: Mrs. Ben Rottman, tickets; Mrs. George Solomon, dining room; Mrs. Harry Stone, cakes; Mrs. Burt Epsten, business men’s table.  All members will participate in the preparation and serving of the entirely home cooked meal.

All proceeds from the luncheon, the Junior Charity League’s only money-raising event each year, will be given to the heart and cancer funds.  Anybody who does not have a ticket can secure one by calling Mrs. Rottman at AT-2-2232.

Youth Panel Set At Beth Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press, February 7, 1958, Page 2

“Parents and Youth Talk it Over” is the title of the panel discussion that will accompany the annual dinner meeting to be held at the Sisterhood and the Men’s Club of Temple Beth Israel on Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, 6:00 p.m., in the Temple Center at Third and Laurel. The two presidents who will preside are Mrs. Herbert Eber and Mrs. Charles Silverman.

The panel of speakers will consist of experts in the field of youth. They include Superior Court Judge Robert E. Burch of Juvenile Court; Mr. William Bailey, Vice Principal S.D High; Dr. Avram Finger, prominent local psychoanalyst; and Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, civic and religious leader.  Linda Friedman and Allen Eber, Temple Youth League officers, will be introduced by Mrs. Elmer Wohl, Youth League chairman.  They will represent their organizations as panel members. Invitations have been extended to parents and young people of Junior High, High School and College levels.

The program, under the direction of Mrs. Vailia Dennis, Sisterhood program chairman, Mrs. Morton J. Cohn, co-chairman and Dr. Norman Mann, Men’s Club program chairman, is devoted to serving as a stepping stone toward family harmony. A question and answer period will accompany the panel discussion, giving opportunity to both parents and youth to gain a common understanding.

Dinner arrangements are under the direction of Mrs. Irving Hertz.  Mrs. Samuel Kerper is decorating chairman.

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box, located just above the masthead on the right hand side of the screen.

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