Jewish trivia question: Selma

By Mark D. Zimmerman

Mark D. Zimmerman
Mark D. Zimmerman

MELVILLE, New York — Many rabbis, most notably Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, participated in the marches and other civil rights movement activities in the 1960’s. The wearing of a yarmulke was adopted by many black marchers, necessitating the special delivery of 1000 yarmulkes for the march from Selma to Montgomery 50 years ago this month. What did the black marchers call their yarmulkes?

  1. A. Afro caps.
  2. B. Freedom caps.
  3. C. The Rab-beret.
  4. D. Heschel Hats.
  5. E. My brother’s kippas.

Link to answer:

Mark D. Zimmerman is the author of Rashi, Rambam and Ramalamadingdong series of Jewish trivia e-books. Learn more at


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