‘Artists for Good’ Donate Works to Aid Non-Profits

By Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger
Tanya Abel

SOLANA BEACH, California — What if immersing yourself in art could create ripples that would beautify someone else’s world?  Imagine simply indulging your inner aesthete and at the same time providing aid and support to a worthy charity. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of local artist, Tanya Abel, you can do just that.

Abel had this brainchild during the pandemic last year.  In a phone interview last week, this multimedia artist explained that she had been overwhelmed with commissions. She reported that in a typical year she averages four requests for commissions. During 2020, she received 32 and donated the profits from them all. Swamped by the demands and desires of her clients, Abel dreamed of a way of putting her abstract and stylized pieces to work for the betterment of the world. She wanted to do more and envisioned a non-profit online art gallery where she and other artists could feature their works and donate 100% of the proceeds to a different charity each month.

The charities are those close to Abel’s heart and include human rights groups, food-insecure groups, animal protection, environmental concerns, and support for the military. Each month a charity is selected, and new ones are being added all the time. Abel is clearly passionate about giving back and now that she is an empty nester, has turned her full attention to tikun olam. She invites artists and potential patrons to share their charitable organization ideas with her.

With a background in business, Abel had a skill set that enabled her to create this online community. An artist submits his/her donation and, if accepted, it will go into the timeline and be matched with a charity. The artist sets the price for the donation, which Abel will do her best to promote and sell for the artist.  In this way, Abel told me that it comes full circle. The artist’s piece is doing double duty, providing visual beauty and actual sustenance and support to a worthy cause. Buyers benefit by getting professional art that feels good. Artists benefit by having their work promoted and on display in the online gallery, and the joy they experience in donating a piece is payment in itself.

The featured artists are highly promoted for 30-45 days. Following that, the piece is either sold or remains the property of the artist. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are used to promote the artist to a wider audience. Artists For Good will continue to host the artist for a full year in reciprocity for their original donation.  Should the artist procure additional sales from the website he must agree to donate 20%.  Tanya is hoping to make this reciprocally beneficial to encourage artists to donate as part of their business plan while giving her buyers a broader selection to choose from.

Tanya Abel’s path has been an interesting one. Born in England, she came to the States and lived in Arizona before arriving in San Diego. Leaving a big business career in Irvine, she became an at-home mom and took up painting and drawing. She also has experience with graphic design and interior decorating, which has informed her acrylic paint and alcohol ink pieces so popular with her clients.

Abel converted to Judaism and established roots in the Jewish community. She opened Mitzvah Gifts, a non-profit which featured her art on a clothing line, gifts, and yoga wear. Deb White, an online mentor, coached Abel to evolve from one artist to many, to create a bigger impact and helped her launch Artists for Good. In June 2021, with guest artists and a beautiful website, the dream became a reality.

With an eye towards expansion, Abel is open to new foundations that want to be supported as well as widening the field to more artists and buyers. Currently, in addition to her own work, Abel has two featured artists this month.  Ruth Westreich, president of the Westreich Foundation, is a committed environmental activist, philanthropist, and artist. She is keen on supporting people and non-profits.  Additionally, Ektor Rivera, an award-winning movie and stage actor, artist, and activist’s work is also on display. This native of Puerto Rico has garnered a great deal of attention for his recent solo exhibition at the Museum of the Americas in Puerto Rico.

Visit Artists for Good and “help heal the world, one painting at a time.” Contact Tanya Abel with questions about how you can buy, sell or support the artists while benefiting so many important causes.

Eva Trieger is a freelance writer specializing in coverage of the arts.  She may be contacted via eva.trieger@sdjewishworld.com