Baer Leaves Camp Mountain Chai for Camp Seneca Lake

Dan Baer, left, and Buddy Voit conversing at Camp Mountain Chai in 2018

SAN DIEGO — Dan Baer, who has served as director of Camp Mountain Chai over the last six years, has announced his resignation to take a job as director of Camp Seneca Lake in Rochester, New York. Rachel Shyloski, the associate camp director, will serve as interim director pending a search to fill out the camp team, it was announced Thursday, Dec. 9, by David Bark, the board president, and Buddy Voit, executive director.

In his letter of resignation, Baer wrote, “Over the past 6 years, Camp Mountain Chai has become a party of my identity. CMC is all about the people and I’m tremendously grateful for the love and support of this amazing community … Playing soccer on shabbat,  …, visiting Kavanah in the Dominican Republic, making s’mores with Shorashim, and inaugurating our CMC Games are just a few of the many, many fond memories that I’ll cherish.”

“Kavanah” program in which the oldest campers go on a three-week trip to the Dominican Republic where they live in the towns of Cabarete and Sosua and help teach English, lead children in games, repaint playgrounds, and help to clean up a Jewish cemetery dating back to the time the Dominican Republic welcomed Jewish refugees escaping Hitler’s Europe. The participants also visit Santo Domingo to learn about the Dominican capital, and to enjoy a traditional Shabbat meal with the Chabad representatives there.

Preceding based on information provided by Camp Mountain Chai.