Orange County #6MillionSteps Event to Spotlight Rising US Antisemitism, Remember the Holocaust

IRVINE, California (Press Release) Orange County Israeli-American and Jewish communities will mobilize this month to spotlight rising U.S. antisemitism and to remember the Holocaust as part of a nationwide campaign called #6MillionSteps.

The first #6MillionSteps walk-run earlier this month in Los Angeles. Photo credit: Jeffrey Shalmoni.

Orange County residents can join a #6MillionSteps walk-run starting at 5:30 p.m. on April 28 at North Lake in Irvine. For details, please contact the Orange County Israeli-American Council’s Inbal Daihas Greenberg at

Orange County’s #6MillionSteps campaign will join a series of others nationally that are aiming to collectively reach 60 million steps dedicated to the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. The events throughout April will take place ahead of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 28, when the country comes to a standstill for a moment of silence.

#6MillionSteps kicked off April 3 at the Holocaust Museum Los Angeles. Other #6MillionSteps events beyond Orange County will take place April 24, including at Babi Yar Park in Denver; the “Rocky Steps” in Philadelphia; Shoreline Park in the San Francisco Bay Area; and at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Culminating the month-long campaign, other #6MillionSteps events will take May 1 on Boston’s Freedom Trail.

Participants will help reach 60 million steps via multiple paths, including by connecting their Fitbit, Garmin or other fitness tracker to a digital campaign via the website, adding a #6MillionSteps filter to social media, and manually counting total steps while walking, running or exercising. Individuals, schools, communal institutions and businesses are also joining in.

“At a time when our nation is experiencing a deeply alarming rise in antisemitism, from attacks on synagogues and individuals to distortions of the Holocaust in the public sphere, we are coming together through #6MillionSteps to remember the Holocaust and to raise our voice against anti-Jewish hatred,” said IAC Co-Founder and CEO Shoham Nicolet.

To learn more about #6MillionSteps click here.


Preceding provided by the Israeli-American Council