Satire: Buffeting the Environment

(Melody: Margaritaville)

In memory of Jimmy Buffett, who was an environmental activist

Laurie Baron

By Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Gasping for fresh air.
Don’t heed the Lib scare.
Or all of the experts at the UN.
It’s getting hot here.
But I have no fear.
That it will cool off,
And life here won’t end.

Closing my mind, denying climate change.
Believing what happens is merely fate.
Some people claim that carbon’s to blame.
But I know, fossil fuels made us great.

Oceans are rising.
But I’m surmising
That it’s just due to heavy rain.
The glaciers are shrinking.
Pollution is stinking.
But the economy
Must be sustained.

Closing my mind, denying climate change.
Believing what happens is not caused by us.
Some people say we must change our ways.
But I think that it’s not worth the fuss.


Baron is professor emeritus at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via