Satire: Potpourri

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — A Brooklyn man was convicted of robbing a matzah factory.  He was sentenced to eight years in Unleavenworth.

Donald Trump denied charges that he had read Mein Kampf or plagiarized from Hitler when he declared that migrants were poisoning the blood of the United States.  He reminded his MAGA followers that he has never read such a long book without pictures and that “hate minds think alike.”

The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the state’s Republican primary presidential ballot because he violated his oath of office by upending rather than defending the Constitution.

Governor Abbott signed a law criminalizing the illegal entry of migrants and pro-choice proponents into Texas.

Addendum: In my last column I had suggested that Christians and Jews should celebrate the circumcision of Christ together on the eighth day after Christmas. I’m pleased to report that a Jewish-Christian dialogue group has endorsed my idea and recommends naming the new holiday Brismas.


Baron is professor emeritus at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via