JFS Collecting Food for Hungry Prior to Passover

A group of San Diego Jewish Academy students assembles Passover care packages for isolated adults, including handmade cards. [Photo via Jewish Family Service]

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)– With the annual sacred holiday of Passover nearly upon us, Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS), is collecting food donations for San Diegans experiencing food insecurity.

“As many members of the Jewish community make Passover preparations by emptying their cupboards of chametz – leavened products, we invite the entire community to donate these items and more as part of a critical food drive. Hunger is a major challenge facing many San Diegans. As many as 33% of our neighbors do not have enough food to last this month,” said JFS CEO Michael Hopkins. “San Diegans healthy food donations will help us stock the shelves of our pantry and assist our neighbors in need.”

The JFS Hand Up Food Pantry is accepting donations of healthy non-perishable food items such as boxed rice, pasta and cereal, as well as canned meat, fish and vegetables, and other items, including peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts and protein bars.

Donations can be placed in blue donation bins at local synagogues now through Sunday, April 14. To drop off donations at JFS, contact Center for Jewish Care Community Engagement Coordinator Dalia Perez by April 12 via email at DaliaP@jfssd.org or by phone at 858-637-3264.

JFS’s Center for Jewish Care is also accepting donations of traditional Passover food, for use in 300 Passover care packages that will be assembled for delivery to isolated older adults, many of whom are Holocaust Survivors.

For more information visit: www.jfssd.org/passover.
Preceding provided by Jewish Family Service of San Diego