Lawrence Baron

Laurie Baron

Lawrence (Laurie) Baron, now retired, served as the Nasatir Professor of Modern Jewish History at San Diego State University. He served from 1988 to 2006 as director of SDSU’s Lipinsky Institute for Judaic Studies. He was the founder in 1995 of the Western Jewish Studies Association.

He writes two satire columns for San Diego Jewish World: “Humoring the Headlines” under his byline, and “Hounding the Headlines,” under the byline of his dog Elona.

Books to his credit, available on Amazon, include:

Projecting the Holocaust into the Present: The Changing Focus of Contemporary Holocaust Cinema

The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema

The eclectic anarchism of Erich Muhsam (Men & movements in the history & philosophy of anarchism)

His most recent articles are:

“Making Room for the Jews: The House I Live In (1945),” AJS Perspectives, Summer 2023, 86-88.  

The Revolt of Job: Salvaging the Lost World of Rural Hungarian Hasidim,” Journal of Jewish Identities, 16:1-2 (January/July 2023), 181-198.

“Persistent Parallels, Resistant Particularities: Holocaust Analogies and Avoidance in Armenian Genocide Centennial Cinema, in Armenian and Jewish Experience between Expulsion and Destruction, ed. Sarah M. Ross and Regina Randhofer (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021), 267-296.

“The Pioneering American Jewish Women Directors from Elaine May to Claudia Weill,” Jews and Gender (Studies in Jewish Civilization), ed. Leonard Greenspoon (W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2021), 217-243.

Hounding the Headlines: Confessions of Donald Trump’s Pitbull

By Elona Baron (as told to Laurie Baron) SAN DIEGO — I recently received an email from someone whose existence has been speculated about for years: Donald Trump’s Pitbull.   I know everyone thinks that Trump never owned a dog largely because he is incapable of caring for anything beyond his own political survival.  While it

Hounding the Headlines: Confessions of Donald Trump’s Pitbull Read More »

Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Satire: ‘Make America Florida’ aka Let Hurricane DeSantis Wreak Havoc on the Nation

By Laurie Baron SAN DIEGO — The slogan for Ron DeSantis’ recently announced campaign is “Make America Florida” inviting a copyright infringement lawsuit from Donald Trump who issued an executive order in his mind to make it illegal for other politicians to start their campaign slogans with “Make America.” What would the United States look like

Satire: ‘Make America Florida’ aka Let Hurricane DeSantis Wreak Havoc on the Nation Read More »

Lawrence Baron, Trivia, Humor & Satire