Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel

Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel is spiritual leader of Temple Beth Shalom in Chula Vista, California.

His books, available on Amazon, include:

Science AND Religion Needed for True Understanding of the World

Given our sophistication, what relevance does the birthday of man and creation have to do with scientific reality? Who are we fooling? What message might this holiday have for us as we enter the next millennia? How can you seriously believe that Adam and Eve were the first people ever to live on the earth? Or that “God made the world in just six 24-hr. days”? [Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel]

Science AND Religion Needed for True Understanding of the World Read More »

Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Unpacking the Transmission of Holocaust Trauma

“The Holocaust: Does Judaism Believe in Gilgul? Transmigration of Souls.” By Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg; Independently published; ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8448939662; 436 pages; $24.99. By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel CHULA VISTA, California — The author of The Holocaust: Does Judaism Believe in Gilgul? Transmigration of Souls begins with a wonderful quote from the famed psychologist

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Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Holocaust, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Moral Resolve Needed in Justin Trudeau Swastika Controversy

By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel CHULA VISTA, California — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has demonstrated a talent for adding fuel to an already combustive situation. He accused conservative Jewish members of the Canadian Parliament of supporting the swastika. One Jewish member happened to be Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman, who became the first Jewish

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Holocaust, International, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, Opinion

Whoopi’s Immaculate Misconception

By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel “The View” featured a discussion about a Tennessee School District’s decision to remove a Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust from its middle school curriculum. Whoopi Goldberg asserted, “The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race.” Goldberg made a mistake that revealed her ignorance about the

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Holocaust, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, Opinion, USA

Who Should Have the Final Say on Acceptance Into the Baseball Hall of Fame?

By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel CHULA VISTA, California — There is an old joke that most rabbis probably know: From where in the Torah do we know that God is a great baseball fan? The answer is simple: Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz: In the big inning, God created heaven and the

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, Opinion, Sports & Competitions

Rethinking Cain’s Famed Remark, ‘Am I My Brother’s Keeper?’

The Trial of Cain: A Jewish Courtroom Drama by Rabbi Dr. Dan Ornstein; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society; © 2021; ISBN: 0827614675; 232 pages; $20.93. By Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel CHULA VISTA, California — Rabbi Dan Ornstein’s excellent book, The Trial of Cain: A Jewish Courtroom Drama, reminded me of something I once did with

Rethinking Cain’s Famed Remark, ‘Am I My Brother’s Keeper?’ Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Who’s Responsible for the Evil in the World?

One of the interesting points that Maimonides and Philo of Alexandria agree on in this week’s Torah portion is the role of human freedom and responsibility.  Philo routinely pointed out that God is never the source of moral evil in the world—human beings are, and they alone must be responsible for the moral condition of society—whether it be good or bad, harmonious or chaotic. This idea is also one of ancient Stoicism’s greatest moral teachings. [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Antisemitism Surfaces in Ohio Contest for U.S. Senate

Anti-Semitism is not just a symptom of the radical left. Anti-Semitism can come from the ultra-right as well. The following story has not received much press in the Jewish community. When anti-Semitism rears its presence—regardless which part of the political spectrum it originated from—as a Jewish community, we must address the issue. Failing to do so is nothing less than moral cowardness. [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

Antisemitism Surfaces in Ohio Contest for U.S. Senate Read More »

Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, USA

Maimonides on the Morality of Our Choices and Behavior

Maimonides’ understanding of the Book of Exodus ought to have great relevance to people who study the weekly Torah portion. Although he did not write an exposition on this book of the Torah, he writes about it profusely in his Mishneh Torah and his Guide for the Perplexed; the same may be said about his other voluminous writings. [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Judah, Reuben, David, Bill Clinton, and Other Flawed Leaders

The theme of leadership is an important topic in Parshat Vyehi. Although Joseph was the nation’s political leader, the brothers never chose Joseph to be their family leader. Instead, they chose Judah. Historically, in the days of the First Temple, Israel became divided between the nation of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel. Rivalry persisted between these nations for centuries. Yet, history proved that the tribe of Judah retained its leadership over the other tribes. [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, USA

Joseph and the Power of Conscience

Philo’s treatment of the Joseph trilogy is unique in many respects. Not only does he explain the peshat–the contextual meaning of the biblical text—he also spends considerable time developing the psychological portrayal of the various biblical personalities in a style that makes the entire narrative seem almost contemporary. [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

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Jewish Religion, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi

Wait! Are Those Turkeys Kosher?

Some of the rabbis of the previous centuries identified the turkey as the הוֹדוּ תַּרְנְגוֹל “Indian chicken,” and thought the bird originated in India. Jews were not the only ones who thought this way. The French referred to turkey as poulet d’Inde (“Chicken from India”), as did the Polish, Ukrainian and Russian countries. It was assumed that the rabbis in India permitted it. However, this was an assumption that could never be proven since it was based on a false assumption: Turkeys did not exist in India! [Rabbi Dr. Michael Leo Samuel]

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International, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Judaism, Michael Leo Samuel-Rabbi, Middle East, Travel and Food, USA