Retraction, apology, for Fluke- Boko Haram story

By Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel

Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel
Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel

CHULA VISTA, California — In a recent article I had written about the war on women that is taking place in the Middle Eastern world, I had come across some quotes that were attributed to Sandra Fluke, who was allegedly interviewed by NPR.  In essence, these quotes which I later learned had been fabricated, had Fluke saying she is less concerned about the young women captured by the Boko Haram, than she is by women who must live under Republican rule.

Fluke has been outspoken about the “war against women” during the ill-fated Romney campaign.  My main criticism against her position was that there is a real “war against women” that is taking place, but it’s not in America, but in the Middle East. While the substance of this point is still something I will stand by, unintentionally misquoting Fluke from a fictitious source did not serve the main thesis of the article well.

The original website where I had seen and cited Ms. Fluke’s comments was that of City Data.

Thinking that this was an accurate source, I wrote an article denouncing Fluke’s alleged position. Little did I realize at the time  that the website had also been bamboozled by the same story that originated on This website is a lot like the Onion, another satirical website that has a penchant for lampooning controversial political figures.

Therefore, I wish to make a formal retraction of the article I had written on Sandra Fluke and the Boko Haram, an article which has now been removed from the San Diego Jewish World website.

Apologies go out to Fluke and the local community for attributing statements that were never said. It is important to take ownership for any mistaken information that appeared in my article. In all candor, I should have checked directly with the NPR affiliate just to confirm the veracity of the story. The manager informed me that this prank had fooled others as well.

Rabbi Samuel is spiritual leader of Temple Beth Sholom in Chula Vista.  He may be contacted via


1 thought on “Retraction, apology, for Fluke- Boko Haram story”

  1. Rabbi, you weren’t the only intelligent person taken by the false quotes supposedly attributed to Ms. Fluke.
    The quote itself was very believable to have been made by her which helped in it being widely distributed.
    Thank you for all the good things you do!

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