Jewish Trivia: Shemini Atzeret

By Mark D. Zimmerman

Mark D. Zimmerman
Mark D. Zimmerman

MELVILLE, New York — Jews worldwide are celebrating Shemini Atzeret by chanting the Tefilat Geshem, the prayer for rain. A group of Jewish witches in Northern California will gather in a sukkah built around a hot tub, while invoking Native American ancestors and the Canaanite storm and rain god Ba’al Hadad. What is this community of Jewish witches called?

A. United Jewitch Appeal.

B. The Lubav-witches.

C. The Jewitch Agency.

D. The Pastrami Sand-witches.

E. Jewitch Camp.
Link to answer:

Mark D. Zimmerman is the author of Rashi, Rambam and Ramalamadingdong series of Jewish trivia e-books. Learn more at