Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~January 8, 1954

Compiled by Gail Umeham


Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

Friends of Harry Goodwin will be leased to learn that he is again doing his expert repairs on fine china, glassware, silver and gold metals at his home, 1812 Tustin, B-2-1655.

Harry has done work for the San Diego Fine Arts Society and La Jolla Art Gallery and has established quite a reputation in this field.


Mrs. Harry Goodwin will fulfill a long-held ambition when she sails from San Francisco Jan. 22, to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Brodie, who lives in Auckland, New Zealand, and whom she hasn’t seen for 27 years.  She expects to return in two months.


Mr. and Mrs. Nat Schiller recently spent a weekend in Pomona as guests of former San Diegans Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hyman.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tennen have recently moved into their new home at 3350 Wisteria Dr.


The long New Year weekend gave many an opportunity to visit near-by vacation spots.  All-time favorites, Las Vegas and Palm Springs, had the biggest “play.”

Esther and Lou Moorsteen and Diane and Frank Pomeranz started the weekend on Tuesday by flying to Las Vegas.  Among others spending the holiday there were the Harry Farbs, Leo Krasnes, and Sol Prices.  Reports say Marlene Dietrich’s gown is all the newspapers claim.


Taking advantage of the desert sun at Palm Springs were the Murray Goodriches, Irvin Kahns, Abe Ratners, Harry Snyders, Joe Rittoffs, and Bob Kaplans.


Among the first-nighters enjoying “The Silver Whistle” last Tuesday were Rabbi and Mrs. Monroe Levens, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levins, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harris, and Mrs. Harry Lipinsky.  Staff members Ray Bass and Edward Cherney were on hand for the opening, too.


On leave from Fort Ord, Alan Breslauer made the holidays more pleasant for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Breslauer.


Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

“Fore” shouted Allan Lame, and four it was.  Born Dec. 27 was Jesse Robert, weighing 7 lb. 6 oz.  Allan and Pearl presented the latest member of the quartet to Marcia, Jerry, and Michael at the Bris held Sunday.

Here to see the ceremonies and greet the new grandchild, were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lame of Cleveland, Ohio and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Krennen of Seattle, Wash.

Rabbi Morton J. Cohn and Dr. Joseph Kwint welcomed the newborn infant into the Jewish congregation

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Majtlis of 1644 Fourth Ave., a daughter, Rose, on Dec. 21.  Brother Jackie, 5, willk welcome his native American sister.  The Majtlis’ came to America from Austria 2½ years ago.

Ushering in the New Year with a loud cry was Robert Bland Berman, 6 lb. 8 oz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berman, born Jan 1.  This made it a celebration for the proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Berman and great uncle, I. Heller, all of San Diego.

Junior Charity League

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

The last meeting of the Junior Charity League was held at the home of Sophie Stone, where the one annual fund raising affair of the club was planned.  A gala Valentine Card Party is to be held, at the Temple Center, on February 4th, when a delicious luncheon will be served, and a valentine motif carried out in the decorations.  All proceeds from this affair will go to the Polio Foundation, a most worthy cause.  Donation (for the luncheon) will be $1.50.

At the close of the meeting Esther Moorsteen showed a film made by UNICAEF, titled “The Children,” showing the plight of the children of Asia and India, who so badly need help from the rest o0f the world.

Members of the Junior Charity League decided to help by a small personal donation to Mrs. Moorsteen, who volunteered to be chairman of this project.

The whole community is invited and urged to attend the club’s party on February 4th.

Yo-Ma-Co News

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

Yo-Ma-Co Club officers to be installed on Sunday, Feb. 7, at El Cortez Hotel are Pres., Jack Brisker; V.P., Al Nadler; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Dave Brooks; Corr. Sec., Mrs. Milton Kassy; Treas., Dave Brooks; Sgt. At Arms, David Cohen; Aud., Ray Lowitz; and Membership Chrmn., Mrs. Jack Brisker.

Please Note

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

Due to the untimely passing of Mrs. Anna Shelley, mother of Mrs. Morton Thaler, the Hadassah Youath Aliya dinner, scheduled for Jan. 19, has been postponed to Feb. 21.

Mrs. Robert Strauss, president, announces the Youth Aliyah affair will take place in addition to the regular February meeting.


Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 3

A monument in memory of Otto Rosenbaum will be unveiled Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2:00 p.m. at the Home of Peace Cemetery.  Rabbi Baruch Stern will conduct the services and read the memorial.  All friends of the family are asked to attend.

Double Talk

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 5

By Janet and Susan Solof
As New Year has arrived once more,
And resolutions are being made galore,
Go to school with a happy thought
Remembering everything that was taught.

New Year’s Eve brought the A.Z.A.’s and B.B.G’s on their toes as they gave a big dance.  The main event of the evening was the crowning of the Queen.  Susan Solof was the queen elected and her date Art Pogrell reigned as King.

As the football season comes to an end, we wish to congratulate Bernie Stolsoff and Dave Kenin from Kearney and Gary Naiman from hoover who received “ Letters.”  Good goin’ boys.

Make 1954 successful for the Youth groups.  Take an interest and an active part in them and support all of their affairs.  You will have fun too.

Phone your news—W-5-0679.

B.J. Sisterhood News

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 5

The Beth Jacob Sisterhood will hold its next luncheon-meeting Tuesday, at noon, on January 26, at the Beth Jacob Center.  All guests and members are invited to attend, as a most entertaining afternoon has been planned by program chairman, Mrs. Jack Brisker, and membership chairman Mrs. Sidney Rose. Mrs. Sam Bloom and her committee will sponsor and serve the luncheon.

In memory of Anna Shelley, Beth Jacob Fun Night has been postponed.  A date for this affair will be announced later.

Hadassah News

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 5

“ Bing, Bang!  Bingo!”  is the way president Mrs. Robert Strauss invites all women to be Hadassah’s luncheon guests on Jan. 20th at 12 noon, in the Temple Center.  Besides the complimentary luncheon, each guest will receive a ticket on the mink stole and the opportunity of winning many other attractive and worthwhile prizes.

No formal business meeting is planned and reservations should be made as soon as possible with Mrs. David Block T-9611 or Mrs. Murray Samuels, W-8-2051.

Jewish Center News

Southwestern Jewish Press January 8, 1954 Page 5

A dance exhibition by Alice Mason, noted dance teacher, and her students, will be given on Tuesday, January 12, — 8:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd.  All 20-30 year olds are invited to participate in an evening of enjoyable activities, in addition to the special program.

A Table Tennis Tournament starts on Tuesday, January 19th.

Juniors—Registration is now open for the junior (5-12 yrs.) ballet and creative dance classes to be held on Wednesday afternoons 3:00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center and on Friday afternoons at trhe Portuguese Assembly Hall, 2818 Addison St., both under the direction of Mrs. Irene Timen.  Mrs. Timen has had many years of teaching both classical and modern ballet and has studied with Mikhail Mordkin, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, Jose Jose Limón, Pavley, Oukrainsky.

The size of the classes are limited, so register early.

Discussion Group—Dr. Ernest Wolf, chairman and moderator of the Center Discussion Group announces that Dr. Virginia Voek, assistant professor of psychology of San Diego State College, will be the next speaker at the Jewish Community Center’s Discussion Group meeting on Wednesday, January 13th, 8 p.m., at the Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd.  Her topic is the series on “Psychology of Prejudice” will be “ Why the Hate—the Personality of the Bigot.”


“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.