March for Light set for Dec. 9 in Carmel Valley area

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — Rabbi Mendel Polichenco, director of The Chabad Carmel Valley and Del Mar Jewish Center, will join The National March for Light Organization during the last night of Chanukah to spread a message of hope and a firm commitment to transforming the world from darkness to light. Thousands will march across the country and the San Diego march will be held on Sunday, December 9th at 4 p.m. starting at Ashley Falls Park in Carmel Valley and will end at the Village (Shopping Center) at Pacific Highlands Ranch at 5 p.m. with a Menorah lighting ceremony.

“The world stands at a moment of darkness and confusion,” Rabbi Polichenco said.  “Jews murdered while praying in their synagogue, our nation driven by politics, and our children afraid to go to school. The Jewish people, whose mission is to illuminate the world, must seize this moment and fight the darkness with all our might. We will march together during Chanukah, the festival of lights, and by uniting, spread a message of hope and a firm commitment to transforming the world from darkness to light.”    

Honored guests to participate in the menorah lighting ceremony at the end of the march will include Wendy Avraham, board member of StandWithUs San Diego; Gary Rotto of the AIPAC council and the AJC; Pastor Efrian Valverde of Ministerios Restauración; Irene Valverde of Latinos for Israel; Rita Heller an education activist and daughter of Holocaust Survivors; and Donald & Nancy Harrison, co-publishers of San Diego Jewish World, along with other community leaders and supporters.

This event is open to the public and is free to attend for people of all faiths and backgrounds. Security and police escort will be provided by the San Diego Police Department.  The March will begin at Ashley Falls Park in Carmel Valley (Corner of Del Mar Heights Rd. & Ashley Falls Dr.) at 4 p.m. and will end before 5 p.m. at the Village (Shopping Center) at Pacific Highlands Ranch, 13490 Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy, San Diego.

At 5 p.m., there will be a Menorah lighting and  Music, Dancing, BBQ, Jumping Dreidel Castle, and Arts and Crafts.

Preceding provided by March for Light