Jewish-interest License Plate: Mt. Sinai

By Donald H. Harrison

SAN DIEGO — A friend of our license-plate maven Melanie Rubin spotted this plate, and snapped a picture.  The friend was impressed by Melanie’s teachings inspired by Mt. Sinai.

1) Thou shalt scan every personalized license plate for words of Jewish interest.
2) Thou shalt note if the plate has a biblical reference.
3) Thou shalt be attuned to words from the Hebrew language
4) Thou shalt also be aware of Yiddishisms.
5) Thou shalt recognize Ladino sayings.
6) Thou shalt understand Jewish insider references.
7) Thou shalt be aware that some Jewish references are derivative.  Mt. Sinai may refer to a hospital in Los Angeles.  Bethel may mean a giant field suitable for holding historic rock concerts.
8) Thou shalt study the license plate frame, just in case more is written there of Jewish interest.
9) Thou shalt take photos while on foot, or while sitting on the passenger side of the car, but not while driving.
10) Thou shalt send any Jewish-interest license plate you see to San Diego Jewish World via

Harrison is editor of San Diego Jewish World.  He may be contacted via

1 thought on “Jewish-interest License Plate: Mt. Sinai”

  1. It’s so refreshing to read SDJewishworld in landBloc-ed Kansas. I have been off line for a couple of days chasing phantom dreams. To wake up to good brew and Jewish humor gets the week off to a great start. Thank you!

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