Congresswoman Davis tells federal response to coronavirus

By Congresswoman Susan Davis

Susan Davis

SAN DIEGO —  Like you, I am deeply concerned about the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on our health, our loved ones, our lifestyle and our economy.

As we continue to face this outbreak, I will keep updating you on what Congress is doing to counter the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its effects. My office is dedicated to keeping our constituents informed about the virus and focused on helping San Diegans who need assistance.

After President Trump declared a national emergency, the House passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This bill is a first step and will help in a few key areas:

Free Testing for Coronavirus

Under this bill, you will have access to testing for COVID-19 at no cost, whether you have private insurance, Medicare Advantage, Original Medicare, CHIP, VA, FEHBP, and TRICARE, or even no insurance.

Locally, the next step is ensuring we have enough tests for the community. We are working to ensure there are enough tests for the people who need it most, the at-risk population. Different officials ranging from the county, hospitals, and a private company (Quest) are helping to provide tests to healthcare professionals. These efforts will help ensure we can test as many people as possible.

Compensation for Sick Days

If you are feeling sick, you should stay home to avoid potential spread of COVID-19. We recognize that staying home can mean critical loss of income for many Americans. That’s why this bill establishes an Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program to provide employees 14 days of paid sick leave to quarantine or seek medical care.  The bill also ensures people can receive paid leave to care for family members during this time.

Unemployment Aid

The bill gives states the resources and flexibility to provide unemployment benefits to laid off and furloughed workers. It includes $1 billion for emergency grants to states for processing and paying unemployment insurance benefits. These funds will replace a significant share of lost wages so that those impacted can pay their bills. Click here for resources for employers and workers from the State’s Labor & Workforce Development Agency.

Additionally, the Small Business Administration has issued updated guidance to help businesses and employers to plan and respond to the coronavirus emergency.  To learn more about the federal resources available to help small businesses manage this difficult time, click here.

School Meals During Closures

Schools around the country are taking proper caution by suspending in-person learning. Unfortunately, this means that many students who rely on school meals to stay healthy, may not have access to nutritious meals while schools are closed. This bill includes funding to ensure we have adequate resources to help those impacted by the ongoing coronavirus emergency. Specifically, this bill approves state plans to provide emergency assistance to feed students who receive free or reduced-price meals in the event of school closures. It also gives USDA authority to issue nationwide school meal waivers which will help schools adapt quickly and be more flexible.

Beginning Monday, San Diego County school districts will be closing in an effort to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Several school districts will continue to provide school meals during the closures.  To find which sites will be providing meals for students, please click here.

Protection For Healthcare Workers

We also passed emergency temporary standards to protect healthcare workers against this disease. Within one month, new standards would require health care facilities to implement comprehensive plans to keep front-line health care workers safe.

Staying Healthy

As you may know, according to the CDC, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. Wash your hands often and avoid close contact with those who are sick. The best ways to protect others is stay home if you are sick, cover your coughs and sneezes, wear a facemask and clean and disinfect surfaces daily. If you think you are infected with coronavirus, please call ahead before visiting your doctor. Click here for a comprehensive list of guidance documents from the California Department of Public Health.

We Have Updated Our Office Policy

Due to the current situation, we are suspending in-person meetings and many staff are working remotely.

Constituent service continues to be our top priority and my San Diego Office will remain open for now. To minimize unnecessary exposure, we have implemented a “no contact policy” as recommended by the Office of the Attending Physician and the CDC. I encourage constituents to contact my office via phone before visiting.

If you require constituent services, please click here. If you have any questions, please call (619) 280-5353.

Congresswoman Susan Davis represents the 53rd Congressional District in the heart of San Diego.

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