Tragedy Strikes on Joyous Day of Lag B’Omer

By Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort

Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort

CARLSBAD, California — Sometimes when we are hit with an immense tragedy we are left speechless. The Torah tells us that after the Jewish people had inaugurated the Mishkan (Tabernacle), Aharon’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu, died tragically. At the height of the celebration tragedy struck. The Torah tells us that Aharon was silent (“VaYidom Aharon”), there was nothing for him to say. G-d Himself, and the Children of Israel led by Moshe, came to comfort Aharon in his profound distress.

We are deeply distressed by what happened Thursday night in Meron, Israel, burial place of Rabbi Shimon bar (son of) Yochai, whose Yarzeit we celebrate today. Following, a link is shared to the article on that explains what happened, but also contextualizes the celebrations that occur yearly on Lag B’Omer.

Follow this link to read the article:

While G-d’s will is inscrutable, and the time for fully understanding what happened from an earthly point of view will come, now is not the time for finger pointing or even trying to guess what the ‘purpose’ of this tragedy may be. Instead, if history has taught us anything, it is that we must march forward! We will celebrate Lag B’Omer while at the same time grieving for those whom we lost. We will live life with joy as we Daven for a Refuah Shelaimah, a complete and speedy recovery, for those who need it now. Whatever the ailment – joy is the antidote! It is not a hollow, fake joy, of which I speak. Rather it is a joy born of the knowledge that there is a Good, Omniscient, and Omnipresent G-d ‘on the scene.’

Our joyous service of the Almighty will bring miracles! Ultimately, it will bring the supreme miracle; the immediate arrival of our righteous Moshiach!

A very special member of our community has already stepped forward to dedicate a memorial plaque for those who perished. The Rebbe taught us, and demonstrated this when his beloved Rebbetzin passed and other tragedies occurred, that our job is to take our pain and translate it into positive action. Let us resolve to act towards each other with enhanced love, understanding and support!

Wishing you a joyous Lag B’Omer and good Shabbos!


Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort is the Director of Chabad at La Costa. Rabbi Eilfort welcome readers’ comments and questions submitted via email to