A Word of Torah: Standing Together


Parshat BaMidbar and Shavuot [In the Desert/ Numbers]

By Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort

Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort

CARLSBAD, California — This week we begin the fourth of the five books of the Torah, the book of BaMidbar. BaMidbar means ‘In the Desert.’ It is also called Sefer HaPikudim, which translates as the Book of Numbers. The portion has the same name as the book itself.

It is telling that this portion is read before the holiday of Shavuot, which comes out this year Sunday night through Tuesday night.

What is the connection?

When the Children of Israel approached Mount Sinai and encamped in the desert counting the days until they would be receiving the Torah, they did so in a state of utter unity. This is precisely what made them deserving recipients. This notion is amplified by the portion – a portion – and indeed a book of the Torah – that emphasizes each individual unit. The collective entity is lacking and incomplete as long as one is missing. But one only acting as one is severely limited. When he is joined with his brothers and sisters his true potential is fully realized.

As we enter the Shavuos holiday, the holiday on which we celebrate G-d’s ultimate gift to humanity, His holy Torah, we do so standing together as one. Ironically, our beloved Israel is again facing the implacable hatred of terrorists as they seek to destroy an amazing country, which has an incredible variety of people, cultures, religions, races, and just about every other variable imaginable. They (the terrorists and their political enablers) accuse Israel of doing exactly what the terrorists actually do, of oppressing people and of wanton destruction that purposely targets innocents. Regrettably there are many in the world, who do not necessarily understand the antisemitic implications of their unwarranted criticisms and the hypocritical double standard being unfairly applied to Israel. By extension this is an attack on all of us. In fact, it is an attack on everything decent and just in the world. Alas, many people just do not see.

At times like this it is heartening to see so many people standing up in support of decency, human rights, justice, and the value of human life. Ironically, the evil attacks by evil people push all decent people closer together! The enemies of Hashem unite us, perhaps more than anything else.

And herein we find our response to terror being perpetrated by Islamist terrorist groups and their enablers who have much innocent blood on their hands. Our response is to come together against those who support terror! Our response is to fight the darkness by illuminating the world with additional light created by our good deeds and Torah study! ‘Coincidentally,’ these are the lessons of Shavuos. We will win this battle because we will stand together!

In conclusion, when we attend the synagogue this Monday to listen to the reading of the 10 Commandments, we are helping to defeat evil in this world!

Wishing everyone an uplifting, joyous, and HEALTHY Shabbos and joyous Shavuos!


Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort is Director of Coastal Chabads and Chabad at La Costa. Rabbi Eilfort welcomes readers’ comments and questions and may be reached at RabbiE@ChabadatLaCosta.com.