Thousands Attend Community Vigil for Israel

By Chris Jennewein
Times of San Diego

Thursday night’s Community Vigil for Israel. Photo courtesy of Heidi Gantwerk via Facebook.

Over 4,500 San Diegans gathered at a park adjacent to the Lawrence Family JCC on Tuesday night in a solemn vigil to show unity and support for Israel following the deadly attacks from Gaza.

Wearing the Israeli colors of blue and white, and many holding signs and flags, the crowd filled Weiss Mandell Eastgate Park.

As the program started, light rain began to fall. Mayor Todd Gloria said the rain represented “tears of mourning” for the hundreds of Israeli civilians killed when the savage attack began on Saturday.

“Your pain is our city’s pain,” he told the crowd. “We will not allow this act of terror to divide us.”

“In the days, weeks and months ahead, we are likely to see ugliness,” he said, but promised that “San Diego will continue to stand with Israel and our Jewish community.”

That support on Tuesday included a heavy police presence around the park, with Police Chief David Nisleit directing operations and receiving applause from the crowd.

Much of the city’s elected leadership was in attendance, including state Senate President pro Tem Toni Atkins, Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones and most members of the City Council.

Heidi Gantwerk, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of San Diego, mourned the death of Ofir Liebstein, head of San Diego’s sister city of Sha’ar HaNegev, who was killed trying to protect his family on Saturday.

Sha’ar HaNegev and San Diego have been partners for 25 years, and both Gantwerk and Gloria knew Liebstein well.

“He was a man with a generous spirit and a heart full of love,” said Gloria.

Gantwerk said San Diego would honor him and the many victims of his community by continuing to support the region on the edge of Gaza. In fact, some $3.3 million has already been raised.

Tuesday night’s community vigil for Israel. Photo by Chris Jennewein/Times of San Diego.

“The people of Sha’ar HaNegev, if they are nothing else, are astonishingly resilient,” she said. “The next 25 years of our partnership starts now.”

Amit Mekel, the deputy chief of mission for the Consulate General of Israel to Pacific Southwest, left the crowd with a message of thanks and hope for the future.

He said President Biden’s speech on Tuesday promising military and political support for Israel “touched ever Israeli citizen.”

“Thank you America,” he told the crowd. “When Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins.”


Preceding republished from Times of San Diego, with which San Diego Jewish World trades stories under auspices of the San Diego Online News Association.