12 thoughts on “Supervisor Lawson-Remer Regrets Vote to Place Taha Hassane on Human Relations Commission”

  1. A little bit late, a little bit inadequate. After learning the truth, you should work with County’s Office of Equity and Racial Justice to remove Jew-hating person from the board. Especially troubling to me is your statement: “County’s Human Relations Commission was re-established as a direct response to the heinous Chabad of Poway synagogue shooting”. What??? To combat heinous Chabad synagogue shooting, the commission elected imam. Unbelievable.

    1. Ginny Merrifield

      She knows. If she really cared she would have already called for Hassane’s removal, but that’s highly unlikely. It’s just an utterly empty political “apology”.

  2. This vote should be cancelled. The decision was made without checking facts. The terror supporter and city divider should not be in HRC …

  3. It is disgusting that San Diego county has a human relations commission with individual that is promoting hate and propaganda in our city. The mission statement and the strategic focus goals for this commission are not respected or being followed. This entire committee needs to be shut down and restructured. Shame on the San Diego board of supervisors for voting in members without researching facts. Apology not accepted. Do the right thing, protect your community and stop promoting hate.

  4. Saying she’s sorry does not negate the vote. Her vote for this anti-semite is inexcusable. But because of her vote, he is now on the council. Shameful. Kudos to Don Harrison for good investigative journalism.

  5. The Board of Supervisors must hold an immediate special meeting to remove the proven racist from the Human Relations Commission at once. Your apology isn’t worth a thing until it is followed up with immediate action to correct your very damaging mistake! I will also be writing to my representative to express my extreme disappointment with her decision to nominate the Jew hater, after I voted for her.

  6. Speaking for myself, I believe the information about Iman Hassane was all available before the vote and people even appealed for a delay so the supervisors could do more research. You had no excuse to not know this.
    Nancy Harrison

  7. Unless she acts immediately to remove this Jew hater, she should resign. This is wrong on every level. It’s no different than putting a nazi on a commission to stop gassing Jews. Indeed given all the hatred based on blatantly false narratives, it’s even worse. Find the courage to right this egregious wrong or get out

  8. I am so disappointed in Supervisor Lawson-Remer. The truth about this hate-filled man was readily available. If she or her staff didn’t do as much as a Google search before she voted to put someone in an important position, prooves her unfit to hold office. Withdraw your support and vote immediately. Without that, this apology means nothing.

  9. Pingback: Our Shtetl San Diego County: Faulconer Seeks to Raise Campaign Cash over Misstep by Supervisor Lawson-Remer - San Diego Jewish World

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