1 thought on “Senate Filibusters Imperil Overseas Lives”

  1. Prof Asher J Matathias

    B”H My reaction to another timely well-thought Bruce S. Ticker commentary is to offer my response to tmy congressman; who reflects the very positions decent folk oppose. Dear Congressman D’Esposito, Your vote to impeach a decent and honorable Secretary of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas will stand next to a series of ill-considered actions that has brought embarrassment and shame to our once fabulous 4th C.D. You’ve chosen to join the MAGA contingent of our Party, headed by the accidental and thoroughly unfit Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). In turn, he’s taking his marching orders from of roundly despised cowardly ignoramus, 45th President. Thus, the House is holding hostage three nations —- Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan —- in dire need of immediate military and other foreign aid. Unlike those with whom you hobnob in discredited isolationist circles, the aforementioned assistance directly impacts on the security concerns for our nation! Your narrow vision and dogmatism don’t permit you to courageously denounce the Trump-Johnson-Rubio-Lee, and not only, clique intent on destroying the alliances that in the main kept us safe and prosperous. More, the un-American tirade against NATO, unleashed by the one who pretends to seriously claim a return to the White House —- in order to destroy our democratic republic —- should give you pause about continuing on this self-destructive course. Surely, yesterday’s triumphant return of moderate former Congressman Tom Suozzi (D-3CD) to his former seat portends that you may well become a one-term flash in the pan; as our voters realize and correct the error they made electing you in 2022. With fraternal affection, Prof Asher J Matathias, Woodmere, NY 😢😩🤣

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