24 thoughts on “Sara Jacobs Challenges Israel to Submit to ICC Trial”

  1. Sarah does not represent jews, the opposite. She is not supporter of Israel, the opposite. I am saddened she is my district representative. Instead of fighting antisemitism, her views and statements fuel it. No vote from me next time around!

  2. There’s a military explanation for the actions in Gaza. I’m not a military expert but I believe there’s two possible military strategies:
    1) send soldiers door to door to clear out one room and one home at a time, and target militants
    2) declare a large region as a battle ground , order all civilians to leave, and then destroy everything from far away, either with artillery shells or bombs or both.

    If Israel pursued option 1, there would be too much risk for israel and it’s soldiers . Gaza is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. The only option left for Israel is option 2: order all civilians to evacuate, destroy everything from far away, then send soldiers in after everything is virtually destroyed.

  3. As a Jewish voter, you do not represent my views and I will do what I can to make sure you do not get reelected. The ICC court is a joke. As an American, you should oppose it as a political tool used by the UN against Israel. If the UN could, it would also use it against the US.

  4. Sara Jacobs is a not a friend or ally of the San Diego Jewish community. Her actions have shown that she is more concerned with getting re-elected. When JVP held a pseudo-seder on the edge of Balboa Park last month, several of the anarchist members used chalk to draw red hamas triangles on the sidewalk which pointed to names of Israelis. The red triangle is known as an extremist symbol use by hamas and other terror groups. JVP also invited “Veterans For Peace”, an organization that is known for spreading antisemitic conspiracies. Veterans for Peace have been seen in San Diego parks with displays that claim the 9/11 terror attacks were a false flag attack and they have spread blood libel about Jews and Israel in the past by falsely claiming that Israel was behind 9/11. The so-called Veterans for Peace has been present at recent anti-Israel marches supporting terror attacks on Jewish civilians.

  5. Stand with Israel

    Ms. Jacobs, your actions as a congresswoman have been nothing short of disgraceful. It is clear that you have become a puppet for the woke extreme left, prioritizing their radical ideology over the well-being and security of Israel. Your endorsement of JVP and your refusal to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist is deeply troubling.

    Your family members who do not agree with the right of Israel to exist raise serious questions about your own loyalty to your Israeli heritage. Are they suggesting that your Israeli family should go back to Palestine? Or are they attempting to escape the only democracy in the Middle East to live in another democracy? It is truly appalling that while your family enjoys the safety and opportunities in San Diego on a visa, a war rages on in their home country. Yet, you seem more concerned with pushing a dangerous narrative of victimhood and aligning yourself with Hamas sympathizers.

    Your endorsement of radical ideology not only endangers Israel but also poses a threat to our democracy. Your misguided actions and association with extremist views make it clear that you are unfit to hold public office. Your betrayal of the Jewish people, who have long fought for their homeland and endured countless hardships, is a disgrace.

    You have aligned yourself with Hamas and Palestinian extremist views, which is deeply troubling and dangerous. Your actions and rhetoric contribute to the hatred and division that plagues our country on a daily basis. It is clear that you prioritize your own political agenda over the safety and security of our nation.

    It is time for you to be held accountable for your destructive ideology and be removed from office. Your disregard for the well-being of Israel and your constituents is unforgivable. We urge everyone to vote for a candidate who truly values the principles of democracy and supports the rights of Israel. It is time for a change, and it starts with removing you from power.

    Your behavior as a politician, as a privileged member of society, and as a person is nothing short of shameful. You have shown yourself to be a worthless and useless spoiled brat, who is completely out of touch with the realities of the Jewish world. Your actions and words are a disgrace, and you should be deeply ashamed of yourself.

    In conclusion, Ms. Jacobs, you are a danger to our democracy and to the safety and security of Israel. It is time for you to step down and make room for someone who will truly represent the best interests of our country and its allies.

  6. Never again is now

    Ms. Jacobs, as a concerned citizen, I would like to ask you a question. When was the last time you visited Israel and truly understood the devastating impact of Hamas’ evil wrath, particularly on October 7th? It is important for elected officials to have firsthand knowledge and experience when making decisions that affect the safety and security of a nation.

  7. Thank you Ms. Jacob’s for being so transparent we now know you are surrounded by people who do not agree with the right of Israel to exist. Would your JVP family members prefer your Israeli family go back to Palestine? Or is your Israeli family trying to escape the only democracy in the Middle East to live in another democracy? It’s not lost on your constituents that you have family staying in San Diego on a visa, while a war rages in their home country from a terrorist group who wish to extinguish the Jewish flame of life. The United States may be safe from literal, actual bombs, but verbal bombs of hate drop left and right in this country on the daily. What is this, me too only includes JVP too?

  8. Sara pretends to care about people, to be a good Jewish woman, but in reality she pleases haters, those, who don’t care about humanity and stand for elimination of Jews. Shame on her!

  9. Let’s Speak Up

    Sara Jacobs must go. She endorses radical ideology that not only endanger Israel but is endangering our democracy.

    By mentioning her family in Israel is to legitimize her false l, deceitful, and destructive ideology.

    She is Jewish by birth but betraying not only the Jewish people but has aligned her self with Hamastinian.

    She is very dangerous. Get her out of office!

    Vote for Bill Wells.

  10. “Asharq Al-Awsat” Arabic international newspaper reports that in last week’s direct talks between Brett MCGurk and Iran’s then deputy foreign minister, they agreed that the ICC prosecutor should issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu to oust him from power because Netanyahu refuses to capitulate. Sara is just obeying Biden orders and helps destroy Israel.

  11. Arnaldo Perez Estrada

    She is such a disgrace as a politician, as a Privileged member of society and as a person. Worthless and useless spoiled brat who thinks that her views of the Jewish world is as she was shown in her golden cage.
    Shame Shame Shame.

  12. Sara, why do you consistently contribute to the rise of antisemitism? You are not a representative that we can be proud of in Congress. Why is there so much betrayal towards your own people and solid values? Sara, it feels like you are embodying a negative energy akin to being a “kappo” . Remember, non-religious, self-hating Jews also suffered during the Holocaust. So please reconsider your stance of turning against the Jewish people and our only homeland. We, the voters, will remember this when it’s time to cast our votes and Bill will get the job done. Enough is enough!

  13. Sara – it’s giving real “kappo” energy. Non religious self hating Jews died in the Holocaust also. So please continue turning against the Jewish people and our only sovereign state. We’ll turn just as quickly when it comes time to vote for you.

  14. A congresswoman that doesn’t even understand the concept of Jurisdiction?
    This goes beyond being ashamed to be a Jew, she should be ashamed to be a politician.

  15. While I understand where she thinks she coming from but the fact that these charges are unprecedented and don’t even follow ICC’s own set standards indicates to me the bias that exists and the fear for an unfair trial. She should know this and I feel ashamed that she represents me in SD. She has completely gone off the rails and I fear for what policies she fights for and against as her good judgement seems to be far from reasonable.

  16. It’s so painful to see that someone I voted for is knowingly promulgating misinformation, Jewish hate, hate speech, and violence. While it is OK to disagree and question democracies, it is not OK to do so to while jeopardizing a democratic country in favor of terrorists. I hope she realizes what she is doing. I would also invite her to live among any of the terrorist organizations that she is supporting for a week to see what type of rights she is promulgating.

  17. She is an absolute disgrace. As a resident of San Diego County and the son of a late father who survived the Shoah and fought in the 1948 War of Independence, I am beyond disgusted with the stands she has taken since October 7.

    It’s so easy to be a leftist fool and stooge when you’ve grown up in the lap of luxury in San Diego, so far away from the suffering of our people in Israel in their never ending fight against being exterminated by those around them. That being said, anti-Semitic hate is not so far away either. The amount that was in evidence from pro-Hamas demonstrators at UCSD last week when I saw Mosab Hassan Yousef (son of Hamas) speak in defense of Israel was revolting. As a useful idiot, she offers cover to these monsters with ridiculous statements like this. Many of our co-religionists on the left do.

  18. Not surprising some of her family belong to JVP, or as some people call them Jewish Voice for Pogroms. She is probably a member as well. Traitors all.

  19. Kimberly Hope Carnot

    the irony to her quote about holding our friends to the same standard we hold everyone else to is the ICC and “we” do not hold any other country or government in the world to the standard Israel is held too.

  20. I imagine that if her family from Israel is following her voting record they are deeply ashamed of her just like her former supporters. A Shonda.

  21. Miriam Gershenson

    In that case, she should be willing to be investigated for a bunch of crimes she didn’t commit either, right? I mean, don’t we all want to welcome a murder investigation into our lives just for funsies?

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