3 thoughts on “Anti-Israel Sign Removed from Chicano Park by Order of the City Government”

  1. There’s NOTHING wrong with the message on the sign. The message is not antisemitic (it says NOTHING about Jews) nor even anti-Israel (it says NOTHING about Israel, either). The Chicano Park Steering Committee should be free to express its views, free of the hysterical frenzy of a pressure group to influence City officials.

    The message is a forthright statement of support for the legitimate national aspirations of the Palestinian people, a view supported by people of good will all over the world (as the recent votes in the UN General Assembly attest).

    1. Kerry Schlossberg

      There is bipartisan agreement in the U.S. Congress that it is anti-Semitic, Howard. Multiple European countries have criminalized the slogan for that reason. You don’t have the power to dictate the meaning of this hate speech to any of us. The “Chicano Park Steering Committee” doesn’t have the power to post anti-Semitic genocidal slogans on public property either. Their stunt was illegal at every level (local, state, and federal since the park has received government funding). People of actual good will know that the Palestinians rejected a state in 1948 and every time it was offered to them since then— they want nothing less than the elimination of the world’s only Jewish state, which happens to be the only state that ever existed on that land in history. That’s the meaning of this anti-Semitic slogan, and you know it. By the way, citing the UN in the same sentence as “people of good will” is laughable— this the same UN responsible for abusing/indoctrinating Palestinian kids to kill Jews, and it’s the same UN that allowed Hamas to stockpile its weapons and hide hostages’ bodies in tunnels. Re-evaluate your thought process.

  2. Well that only took a couple of weeks for a Federal H. Res 883 was passed into law on April 16, 2024. Shame on the city! Too bad they don’t get rid of all the crosses around the county too! Could you imagine Star of David’s around the county they wouldn’t last long. SDSU had a Menorah vandalized several times. I read this online today and it’s sad but true!
    A Zionist Jew and an anti Zionist Jew walk into a bar.
    The bartender says
    “We don’t serve Jews.”

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