Muhammad Ali’s funeral turned into anti-Israel, Democrat Party rally

LOS ANGELES, June 10, 2016 – Muhammad Ali’s public funeral was turned into a public spectacle today, as an interfaith event meant to show the peaceful side of Islam turned into an excuse to bash Israel. A supposedly apolitical event meant to unify us all became a Democrat Party pep rally. Not since Paul Wellstone’s funeral…

1 thought on “Muhammad Ali’s funeral turned into anti-Israel, Democrat Party rally”

  1. Jerome C Liner

    Never miss an opportunity to spew your propaganda. That is the Liberal mantra, and what better opportunity than an event that millions are watching? Of course they follow the Goering model. If you tell a big enough lie they will believe it. And, of course they rely on the notion that most people are not aware of the true facts, so they can tell them anything, and be believed. Any decent person at a funeral would be respectful and forego any divisive matters entirely. I guess these Liberals are not decent.
    –Jerome C Liner, Cincinnati, Ohio

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