Joel H. Cohen

Joel H. Cohen

Joel H. Cohen is a New York-based humorist and satirist, who especially enjoys lampooning political figures.  Occasionally, he writes a serious column.  His “Just Kidding” satires are always identified on San Diego Jewish World to avoid possibly confusing our readers.

Being the First Jew They’ve Known Ain’t for Sissies

being the recipient of such “first-Jew”news imposes a heavy burden. especially if, like me, your ethnic insecurity caused you to overtip when paying a bill by credit card, because the amount would be visible next to an obviously Jewish last name. Heaven forbid if we should contribute to a “cheap-Jew” stereotype. When told I was the first of my people they’d ever met, my reaction resembled that of the fictional man ordered to ride in a handcart to the guillotine “If not for the honor,” he observed, “I’d rather walk.” [Joel H. Cohen]

Being the First Jew They’ve Known Ain’t for Sissies Read More »

Joel H. Cohen, Lifestyles

‘Mostly Mishegas’ Satirizes Trump’s Jewish Knowledge

The idea that Donald J. (“John,” not “Jewish”) Trump would even consider converting to Judaism is, on its face, outrageous. Then again, Joel H. (“Hugh,” not “Hebrew”) Cohen, has plenty of outrageous thoughts about the 45th president of the United States and has, in the past, humorously and unapologetically expressed them in these pages of the San Diego Jewish World in his column, “Just Kidding.” [Bruce F. Lowitt]

‘Mostly Mishegas’ Satirizes Trump’s Jewish Knowledge Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Bruce F. Lowitt, Donald H. Harrison, Joel H. Cohen, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Satire: Trumping the virus, the court, and Tisha B’Av

To characterize President Trump’s creative ideas as mind-blowing or mind-numbing would be classic understatement. So many of his ideas are so very brilliant, they’re almost blinding. Take the recent example, when he said there would be very few cases of the coronavirus if the United States stopped its testing and contact-tracing. So, taken to its logical extreme, if you don’t test, there are no cases of the virus, no victims..and, ultimately no need for a vaccine or even protective gear. [Satire by Joel H. Cohen]

Satire: Trumping the virus, the court, and Tisha B’Av Read More »

Jewish Religion, Joel H. Cohen, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA

The man behind the ‘chrain in Spain’ and elsewhere

Marc Gold hoped he could combine his love of writing and sports into a career; and after college graduation, he worked for newspapers and had a  fantasy of owning one. But, like his father, uncles, cousins and a brother, he took a different career path, joining the world-famous condiment company Gold Pure Food Products and was involved in all aspects of the business, including production, quality control, accounts receivable and payable Eventually he was the chief of all sales, shipping and public relations/publicity for decades.  [Joel H. Cohen]

The man behind the ‘chrain in Spain’ and elsewhere Read More »

Jewish History, Joel H. Cohen, Travel and Food

Satire: If Trump threw himself a birthday party

Let’s pretend President Trump decided to throw a surprise birthday party — for himself. A very plausible thought, as he prepared to celebrate his 74th yesterday, Sunday, June 14. Because he wanted to make the celebration extra-special, we can speculate that the planning that went into it was extra-special, too. [Satire by Joel H. Cohen]

Satire: If Trump threw himself a birthday party Read More »

Joel H. Cohen, Trivia, Humor & Satire, USA

Satire: Trump fears for ‘rabbis’ during pandemic

Reports have surfaced in recent weeks of a virus that has taken a deadly toll on rabbits in various parts of the world. But now, apparently due to his misreading of “rabbis” for  “rabbits,’ President Trump has undertaken a campaign to rescue Jewish spiritual leaders, who he presumes are the victims of the deadly infectious disease. [Satire by Joel H. Cohen]

Satire: Trump fears for ‘rabbis’ during pandemic Read More »

Joel H. Cohen, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Florida revisited: Eating out, journey’s end

Just the mention of Florida evokes some very happy or, in any case, indelible memories. It may seem like masochism, but on an early trip to Early Bird Land, my wife and I looked forward to meeting with 19 individuals or couples — relatives and friends from home, who’d either settled in the Sunshine State or become regular winter refugees there. [Joel H. Cohen]

Florida revisited: Eating out, journey’s end Read More »

Joel H. Cohen, Travel and Food, USA

Chai-times and humor among Florida’s Jewish retirees

Of the Jewish friends and relatives who have migrated to the land of the Early Bird – southern Florida –few have supplied as many laughs and good feelings as William Rabinowitz, the fictional hero of Jerry Klinger’s book, Boynton Beach Chronicles: Tails of Norman. [Book review by Joel H. Cohen]

Chai-times and humor among Florida’s Jewish retirees Read More »

Books, Poetry & Short Stories, Jerry Klinger, Jewish Religion, Joel H. Cohen, Lifestyles, Trivia, Humor & Satire

Men who ask directions often can’t follow them

The account of the Exodus from Egypt has given amateur comedians a renewed opportunity to joke about Moses, and then launch into  a criticism of modern men.  “If only Moses had used a GPS,” it goes, “or if, like most men, he hadn’t been embarrassed to ask for directions, we would have come to Israel much, much sooner.” [Satire by Joel H. Cohen]

Men who ask directions often can’t follow them Read More »

Joel H. Cohen, Trivia, Humor & Satire